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The 15 a faire temperate day, the winde variable, here we had 18 degrees and fiftie nine minutes; The 25 at sixe of the clocke in the morning, we had sight of the Ile of Pike, it bare North and by East from vs, we being 15 leagues off. The 27 we spake with the poste of London and she told vs good newes of England.

He is always vague regarding his address. His letters he receives in several names at a newspaper shop in Hammersmith and at the Poste Restante at Charing Cross." "What names?" asked Hugh, highly interested. "Oh! a number. They are always being changed," the French girl replied. "Where do you write when you want to communicate with him?"

It may be unbalanced to fly out of England, but to stop away eight months argues that the heart is awry as well as the head. A sick-bed could recall Helen, but she was deaf to more human calls; after a glimpse at her aunt, she would retire into her nebulous life behind some poste restante. She scarcely existed; her letters had become dull and infrequent; she had no wants and no curiosity.

Why should I go back? Letters there could be none, unless at the Poste Restante. I thought this a very unnecessary piece of advice, rejected it in my own mind, and so went into the hospital bureau, and transacted my business. When I came out again, Brunet took the lead. He was an elderly man with a solemn countenance and a mysterious voice.

Proces Verbal fait au poste de St. Death, meanwhile, made a withering havoc among his followers; and under the sheds and hovels that shielded them from the sun lay a score of wretches slowly wasting away with the diseases contracted at St. Domingo.

The towne is great and long, built all of wood, as all their townes are. In this towne the Emperour hath built a castle inuironed with a wall of stone, and bricke, the walles faire and hie, round about. From hence we passed by land towards Mosco in poste, being 500 versts great, which are equall with our miles. In their townes we baited or lay, being post townes.

When the soldiers had lost Berselius and Adams, they struck at once for M'Bina, reaching it in a day's march. Here they told their tale. Chef de Poste Meeus was dead. They had escorted a sick white man and a big white man toward M'Bina. One night three leopards had prowled round the camp and the soldiers had gone in pursuit of them.

I love you; adieu, and pity us." I turned the letter over when I had read it, and saw that it was addressed to "M. Henri Smith, N , poste restante." ON the morrow, a clear December day, a young man and a woman who rested on his arm, passed through the garden of the Palais-Royal. They entered a jeweler's store where they chose two similar rings which they smilingly exchanged.

Perhaps such an ignoramus might prefer them; for they are always more open, more free from weeds, rushes and flags, and less dark; and at the hour of la chasse au poste, the hour of twilight, they are as solitary as the Mare No. 1.

Upon this, General Gilly quickened his advance, and on reaching Pont-Saint-Esprit found General d'Aultanne and Colonel Saint-Laurent conferring together at the Hotel de la Poste.