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"Of course I should; but how? Am I to walk off with the bottle and disgrace him before the servant girl? Or am I to let the children know as their father takes too much? If I was as much as to make one fight of it, it'd be all over Ponder's End that he's a drunkard; which he ain't. Restrain him; oh, yes! If I could restrain that gambling instead of regular business!

Lopez'd turn Sexty and me out of the house at a moment's notice if it wasn't for the money." "It's papa's house," said Mrs. Lopez, not, however, meaning to make an attack on her husband. "I suppose so, but I shan't come to trouble no one; and we live ever so far away, at Ponder's End, out of your line altogether, Mrs. Lopez.

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress was Mr. Ponder's copy, Milton's Paradise Lost Mr. Tonson's copy, The Whole Duty of Man Mr. Eyre's copy, and so on. The thing was a corrupt and illegal trade combination. In 1710 they got what they asked for in the shape of the famous Statute of Queen Anne, the first copyright law in the world.

Lopez. There shouldn't be no need of pulling through. It should all come just of its own accord, little and little; but safe." Then, when the days of their marine holiday were coming to an end, in the first week in October, the day before the return of the Parkers to Ponder's End, she made a strong appeal to her new friend. "You ain't afraid of him; are you?" "Of my husband?" said Mrs. Lopez.

On one halcyon summer evening Lopez had dined with him at Ponder's End, had smiled on Mrs. Parker, and played with the hopeful little Parkers. On that occasion Sexty had assured his wife that he regarded his friendship with Ferdinand Lopez as the most fortunate circumstance of his life. "Do be careful, Sexty," the poor woman had said.

Auntie was not quite sure if this station they flew by was Ponder's End or Angel Road; she put her head out of the window to try to catch the name on the lamps and benches, failed to do so, and lay back again in her corner. What was that? A stirring, a bulging outward of the valances of the opposite seat. Something was emerging. A man.

In 1825 John Ponder's George when convicted of burglary was recommended by the jury to the mercy of the court but received sentence of death nevertheless; and Stephen was sentenced likewise for murderous assault upon a white man. In 1826 Elleck, charged with assault with intent of murder and rape, was convicted on the first part of the charge only, but received sentence of death.

The only and well-beloved child of the captain of the barge "Nancy Jane," trading between Purfleet and Ponder's End, her conversation was at once my terror and delight. "Janet," my mother would exclaim in agony, her hands going up instinctively to guard her ears, "how can you use such words?" "What words, mum?" "The things you have just called the gas man." "Him!

Sometimes rising very early we would walk across the marshes to bathe in a small creek that led down to the river, but this was muddy work, necessitating much washing of legs on the return home. And on rare days we would, taking the train to Hackney and walking to the bridge, row up the river Lea, perhaps as far as Ponder's End.

Knowing also, as he did, that his friend Lopez was intimate with the Duchess of Omnium, he had much immediate satisfaction in the intimacy which these relations created. He was getting in the thin edge of the wedge, and would calculate as he went home to Ponder's End how long it must be before he could ask his friend to propose him at some West End club.