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I don't know why they acted as they did; I only want to impress the idea to go slow before you make up your mind that a man, occupyin' the exalted position that 1 held for so many years, has done wrong. For all I know, these senators may have been as honest and high minded about the gas bill as I was about the Remsen and Spuyten Duyvil bills. Plunkitt's Fondest Dream

I placed a lot more on public works done by contractors, and no Tammany man goes hungry in my district. Plunkitt's O.K. on an application for a job is never turned down, for they all know that Plunkitt and Tammany don't stay out long. See! Let me tell you, too, that I got jobs from Republicans in office Federal and otherwise. When Tammany's on top I do good turns for the Republicans.

I thought it a pity to let Plunkitt's revelations of himself as frank in their way as Rousseau's Confessions perish in the files of the newspapers; so I collected the talks I had published, added several new ones, and now give to the world in this volume a system of political philosophy which is as unique as it is refreshing. No New Yorker needs to be informed who George Washington Plunkitt is.

They couldn't make the park complete without Plunkitt's swamp, and they had to pay a good price for it. Anything dishonest in that? Up in the watershed I made some money, too. I bought up several bits of land there some years ago and made a pretty good guess that they would be bought up for water purposes later by the city.

They did come down here, and what do you think they hit on? The finest dock in my district Invaded George W. Plunkitt's district without sayin' as much as "by your leave." Then they called on Odell to put through a bill givin' them this dock, and he did. When the bill came before Mayor Low I made the greatest speech of my life.