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I couldn't gather it all in, ye see. I was up on a ladder peeking in through a long hole laid down sideways. But that's the main f'ature av the rumpus. They're countin' big on the Osages becase the Gov'mint trusts 'em to do scout duty down beyont Humboldt, and Jean says the Osages is sure to join 'em. Said it is whispered round at the Mission now. And phwat's to be nixt?"

Oi've known yez under all sorts of circumstances, me laddie buck, and I can tell when you're spakin' the whole truth and whin you're tryin' to hide something. Oi'm yer fri'nd, Eph, and ye know it. Phwoy don't ye spake out and make a clane breast av it? Phwat's the mather?" "I don't like to have nobody stomp on my co't tail," mumbled the Vermonter.

It gave place instantly to a fearless, heroic expression that has been my inspiration in many a struggle. I know now how he longed to tell us all he knew, but his word to Le Claire held him back. "I can't tell you exactly phwat's in the air, fur I don't know it all yit. But there's trouble brewin' here, an' we must be ready, as we promised we would be when our own wint to the front."

They had separately "fingered" each button in the hope of being able to detect that which was bloodstained, and so avoid bringing it forth. "Ach!" ejaculated the Irishman, becoming impatient for the conviction of his guilty antagonist; "phwat's the use ov talkin'. Frenchy's the wan that did it. That gropin' an fumblin' about the bottom of the wallet was all pretince.

"Th' rist think ut's th' shtayin' alone made um loony, but Oi put two an' two togither here's Moncrossen losht his bur-rd's-eye an' Creed scairt witless be th' soight av th' greener phwat's th' answer? "Phy, th' b'y ain't dead at all. Some ways he got out av th' river, scairt th' dayloights out av Creed, an' made off wid th' bur-rd's-eye. Am Oi roight?" "Exactly!" exclaimed Bill. "Oi know'd ut!

"Phwat's the throuble!" he repeated, sarcastically. "I should say the throuble was plain enough. If the gintleman has any difficulty seein' it now, he won't long. It'll take the farm av snakes, sor, an' little rid divils wid long tails in doo toime!" Mr. O'Fake spoke with much dignity and great effect.

It's manny th' time I've licked ye good, Jimmie, when ye was a la-ad, an' it's agin I'll do it if I has ter, ter learn ye honesty. Now git up an' set in that chair an' do phwat I tell ye, if ye know phwat's best f'r ye." James Riley rose from the floor and sat obediently in the chair his father indicated.

"How do you know that, O'Gorman?" "Can you prove it?" "What proof have you?" were questions that were asked simultaneously by several voices, among which that of the Frenchman's confederate was conspicuous. "Phwy, phwat more proof do yez want, than phwat's alriddy before yez? When I had me hand in the wallet, there wasn't only the two buttons, the divil a more.

Colonel Pepper retired within himself. The unsteady and excitable fellow had been crowded to the rear by his comrades, who evidently wished to lessen, in some degree, the possibilities of a fight. "Phwat's in thim rivers ye're spoutin' about?" asked one. "Vater, ov course." "Me wooden-shoed fri'nd, ye mane beer beer." "You insolt me, you red-headed "

"Och, be the holy mother, Miss Esther, phwat a turn you gave me," said Mary O'Reilly, emerging unexpectedly from the dining-room and meeting her at the foot of the stairs. "Phwat's the matther?" "I'm going out, Mary," she said, her heart beating violently.