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To be frank, Abner was too great a sensation lover to forfeit the opportunity of springing his startling news on the community. "Then, Josiah, you'll have to harness Dan'l and take me down. I mustn't wait another minute." "Why, Mrs. Snow!" expostulated Captain Jerry, "you mustn't go down there. The Doctor's goin', and I'll go, and Pashy's there already."

Perez come over to my house and told us about it, and Pashy's gone back with him to see to her brother. I didn't go down to the store this mornin', 'twas stormin' so, but as soon as I heard I harnessed up to come and tell you." Then, in answer to the hurried questions of Captain Jerry and Elsie, Mr. Mayo told the whole story as far as he knew it. Mrs.

And she did, but only by puttin' it in front of him when he was too drunk to read it." The lawyer laughed heartily. "So you think Mrs. Corcoran Dunn resembles her, do you," he observed. "In one way yes. Both of 'em sacrifice everything else to one idea. Pashy's was gettin' that pledge signed, and never mind ways and means. Mrs. Dunn's is money and position never mind how they come.

"Git home! I should think not!" said Mrs. Snow decidedly. "Pashy's got too much sense to let him try it." "Well, Elsie," commented Captain Jerry, "I told you we'd have a no'theaster 'fore the winter was over. I guess there'll be gale enough to satisfy you, now. No school to-morrer." "Well, that's settled! Let's be comf'table. Ain't there some of that cider down cellar? Where's the pitcher?"