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Updated: August 5, 2024

The young soldier gave him a quaint look, as much as to say: "Not 'arf bad!" and a gramophone close to the last bed began to play: "God bless Daddy at the war!" "Are you fond of music?" "I like it well enough. Passes the time." "I'm afraid the time hangs heavy in hospital." "Yes; it hangs a bit 'eavy; it's just 'orspital life. I've been wounded before, you see. It's better than bein' out there.

'I was his batman before he was married an' he knows fwhat I mane, av you don't. There's nothin' like livin' in the hoight av society. D'you remimber that, Orth'ris!" "Hi do. Toomey, 'e died in 'orspital, next week it was, 'cause I bought 'arf his kit; an' I remember after that" The Relief had come; it was four o'clock.

A benevolent-looking middle-aged lady a district visitor, in fact emerging from one of these houses and arrested perhaps at sight of the crutch or of the boy's strange rags, stopped her and asked where she was going. Tilda fell back on the truth. It was economical. "To the 'orspital," she answered, "the Good Samaritan." Then she blundered. "It's 'ereabouts, ain't it, ma'am?"

But I wasn't just a limpin', squintin' little welsher; I was something that could feel the meaning of things and the reason for them, just like you can feel 'eat and cold. Could feel and know things such as nobody can't feel or know till 'e's done with this rotten bustle of livin' and doin' things. That's what I know, Miss; that's what I found out when I died in that there 'orspital."

I was in 'is trench with a machine gun when 'e got 'is little bit. A chunk out of an 'and grenade 'it 'im in the thigh, and 'e laughed like 'ell becos 'e'd got a 'cushy' wound. Why, 'e even said as 'ow 'e could walk down to the dressing station, and we envied 'im like 'ell and thought it was only a flesh wound. I got 'it the next day and went to the same 'orspital where 'e was.

"Do you believe," he asked, after a considerable silence, "that a feller can do more, kind of, if he's doing his own work and I mean if he thinks he's got to do two people's work for a special reason?" Freddie did not seem quite to "get" him, but Tennert answered readily, "You jolly well can! Look at Kippers wot cime 'ome fer orspital treatment arfter Verdoon. 'E lived in Chelsea.

"Charing Cross," said Leander, at random; he ought the drive would give him time for reflection. "The 'orspital, eh?" said the cabman, and drove off, leaving the mild chemist to stare open-mouthed on the pavement for a moment, and go back to his shop with a growing sense that he had had a very unusual experience.

"What I mean," persisted the man, "is this supposin' the police arrest me, when I go back to my job. 'Ave they a right? 'Ave people a right to give me the shove to put me in a 'orspital? That crowd round me in the street it confused me, like as if I was a leper." He paused and looked up at Sarakoff enquiringly. "What's the cause of it?" "A germ a bacillus." "Same as what gives consumption?"

'Why? said Bessie, faintly. She remembered indeed had never for long forgotten an affair connected with a newly finished picture. 'Because he has asked me to do so, and because he's most particular blind. 'Drunk? 'No. 'Orspital blind. He can't see. That's him over there. Dick was leaning against the parapet of the bridge as Mr.

I was somewhat surprised. "You're not in such a great distress just because it has been a rainy day!" "Ain't I just!" he exclaimed. "It's been and gone and ruined me, this day has. Look 'ere, guv'nor, I'll tell you all about it. I've been out of work, see? I was in 'orspital for three months and I couldn't get nothing regular to do when I come out. I'm a packer by trade.

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