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"I meant to say that man naturally loves company," replied Harry, smiling. "An' yit I've seen some as didn't, master; though, to be sure, that was onnat'ral, and there's not many o' them, by good luck. Yes, man's fond o' seein' the face o' man." "And woman, too," interrupted Harry. "Eh, Hamilton, what say you?

"Eyes," continued the Postilion slowly and heavily, and with his glance wandering still "eyes, same nose, identical mouth, when not bloody, same hair, same figure, same no, I don't like it it's onnat'ral! tha' 's what it is." "Come, come," I broke in, somewhat testily, "don't stand there staring like a fool you see this gentleman is hurt."

"I comes up from Tonbridge this 'ere very afternoon, an', 'avin' drunk a pint over at 'The Bull' yonder, an' axed questions as none o' they chawbacons could give a answer to, I 'ears the chink o' your 'ammer, an' comin' over 'ere, chance like, I finds you; I'll be gormed if it ain't a'most onnat'ral!" "And why?" "'Cos you was the very i-dentical chap as I come up from Tonbridge to find."

"Wal," said Bennie at last, "s'posin that he's alive, an it's very likely, thar's ony two ways to account for his onnat'ral silence. Them air these: "Fust, he may hev got picked up by a timber ship, outward bound to the old country. In that case he may be carried the hull way acrost. I've knowed one or two sech cases, an hev heerd of severial more. "Second.

"Onnat'ral 's the word!" went on the Postilion, more as though speaking his thoughts aloud than addressing me, "it's a onnat'ral night to begin with seed a many bad uns in my time, but nothing to ekal this 'ere, that I lost my way aren't to be wondered at; then him, and her a-jumping out o' the chaise and a-running off into the thick o' the storm that's onnat'ral in the second place! and then, his face, and your face that's the most onnat'rallest part of it all likewise, I never see one man in two suits o' clothes afore, nor yet a-standing up, and a-laying down both at the same i-dentical minute onnat'ral's the word and I'm a-going."

There was clearly no deceit here! Renshaw's attentive eyes saw the smile, and his brow darkened. "I like to hear yer say that, Mr. Renshaw," said Nott, "and it's no more than Rosey deserves, ez it's suthing onnat'ral and spell-like that's come over her through Ferrers. It ain't my Rosey.

"It's kinder outer Tom's way to take things like he takes this; it looks onnat'ral," they said. If they had seen him as he drew up to the cradle's side, they would have discovered that they were confronting a side of the man of which they knew nothing. It was the man whose youth had been sore-hearted and desolate, while he had been too humble to realise that it was so, and with reason.

'Taint a nat'ral thing, I'm a-sayin', for me to du, Dinah, ter pass the night alone along o' my old missus's corp." "Bor, 'taint the fust onnat'ral thing you ha' done i' your life," Mrs Brome said; and went out and shut the door. An hour or so later Depper opened it, and going hurriedly past the intervening cottages, knocked stealthily upon the door of Dinah Brome.

Vich I means to say is coming it a bit low down on me, sir, sich conduct ain't 'ardly fair, for V'istlin' Dick vos a werry promising cove as Capitals go. And now to see 'im cut off afore 'is time, and in such a outrageous, onnat'ral manner, touches me up, Mr. Barty, sir, touches me up werry sharp it do!

There was clearly no deceit here! Renshaw's attentive eyes saw the smile, and his brow darkened. "I like to hear yer say that, Mr. Renshaw," said Nott, "and it's no more than Rosey deserves, ez it's suthing onnat'ral and spell-like that's come over her through Ferrers. It ain't my Rosey.