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Such spontaneous testimonies of approbation from such men, without any personal acquaintance with me, are truly valuable and encouraging. 'Tout se plaint, tout gémit en cherchant le bien-etre; Nul ne voudrait mourir, nul ne voudrait renaitre. Voltaire, Le désastre de Lisbonne. Works, ed. 1819, x. 124.

It is the death of an ideal. I can't conceive of a boy coming down to the depot to see the circus train come in another time. Hitherto, the show has been to him the ne plus ultra of romance. It comes in the night from 'way off yonder; it goes in the night to 'way off yonder. It is all splendor, all deeds of high emprise.

And to others, that ask him grace, such as have served him, he ne giveth not but his signet, the which they make to be borne before them hanging on a spear.

I rather like the old translator's version of "Il y a de bons mariages; mais il n'y en a point de delicieux" "Marriage is sometimes convenient, but never delightful." How true is this of authors with a brief popularity: "Il y a des gens qui ressemblent aux vaudevilles, qu'on ne chante qu'un certain temps."

Il porte un crayon dans une de ses poches pectorales, avec lequel il fait des marques sur les bords des journaux et des livres, semblable aux suivans: !!! Bah! Pooh! Il ne faut pas cependant les prendre pour des signes d'intelligence. Il ne vole pas, ordinairement; il fait rarement meme des echanges de parapluie, et jamais de chapeau, parceque son chapeau a toujours un caractere specifique.

"They hae a guid pride o' themsel's!" was the word in the country-side. Lastly, in a Border story, there should be added their "two-names." Hob was The Laird. "Roy ne puis, prince ne daigne"; he was the laird of Cauldstaneslap say fifty acres IPSISSIMUS. Clement was Mr.

Vous, Monsieur, qui etes un styliste accompli, veuillez bien me pardonner les torts que je viens de faire a la belle langue francaise. M. Paul Bourget lui-meme ne lit plus le Grec. Non omnia possumus omnes. Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus distingues. LETTER: From S. Gandish, Esq., to the "Newcome Independent." It appears that Mr.

"We gave him something to eat a while ago. He was awfully hungry!" The sound of bare feet splashing through the mud was heard in the darkness, and the drummer boy came to the door. "Ah, c'est vous!" said Petya. "Voulez-vous manger? N'ayez pas peur, on ne vous fera pas de mal," * he added shyly and affectionately, touching the boy's hand. "Entrez, entrez." * * "Ah, it's you!

I feel for the poor barn-actor, who discovers, on his first entrance upon his rude stage, that the magnates of the district, who promised to be present at the performance, have not come. You have gone to see a panorama, or to hear a lecture on phrenology. Did you not feel for the poor fellow, the lecturer or exhibitor, when ne came in ten minutes past the hour, and found little but empty benches?

After this Saul ever sought for to slay David. And on a time Saul went into a cave, and David was within the cave, to whom his squire said: Now hath God brought thine enemy into thine hand; now go and slay him. And David said: God forbid that I should lay any hand on him, he is anointed. I shall never hurt ne grieve him, let God do his pleasure.