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Ah, why is he not here? He is more fun than any one, but better than fun. He is " Montjoie's countenance was like a thunder-cloud big with fire and flame. "Trevor, I suppose you mean. I never thought that duffer could dance. He was a great sap at school, and a hideous little prig, giving himself such airs! But if you think all that of him " "It was not Mr. Trevor," said Bice.

Montjoie's artist friends of the kind which haunt a man whose moeurs are gradually bringing his talent to ruin stood round her, smoking and talking and staring at the English girl between whiles. The arrogance with which she bore their notice excited them, but they could not talk to her, for she did not understand them. Only Montjoie had a few words of English.

She buried Montjoie's condition in her own heart never to hint its existence to ignore it as if it had not been. Many a more satisfactory person would have flinched at this. Most of us would at least have allowed the object of our sacrifice to be aware what we were doing for them. The Contessa did not even, so far as this, yield to the temptation of fate.

And today, when she was in the middle of cataloguing Montjoie's enormities, and I was trying to restrain her, remembering that Cecile was looking at a book on the other side of the room, she suddenly called to the child imperiously: "Cecile! come here and tell your uncle what your father is!"

In the course of his two days' search for them, which had included an interview with Madame Cervin, he had become tolerably well acquainted with Montjoie's public character and career. Incidentally parts of the story of Louie's behaviour came in, and for one who knew her as Dora did, her madness and wilfulness emerged, could be guessed at, little as the brother intended to excuse himself thereby.

'Ruin! she said, throwing back her head and catching at the word; 'speak for yourself! If I am Montjoie's mistress, Elise Delaunay was yours. Don't preach. It won't go down. 'I have no intention of preaching don't alarm yourself, he replied quietly, this time controlling himself without difficulty. 'I have only this to say.

He raised his eyes to Jock's face, which was foolish, and they both reddened in spite of themselves; Mr. Derwentwater with sudden confusion, and Jock with angry dismay. "Not that I know of," said the boy. "I haven't heard anything." Then he went on hurriedly: "No more than I know what Montjoie's doing here. What's he been asked here for I wonder? He can't amuse anybody much."

This was how it came about, in the slight scuffle caused by the sudden change of programme, that Bice, in all her splendour, found herself going in to the dining-room on Lord Montjoie's arm. Notwithstanding that he had been struck dumb by her beauty, little Montjoie was by no means happy when this wonderful good fortune fell upon him.

Like all the rest of Montjoie's creditors she was hanging on the Maenad, which promised indeed to be the chef d'oeuvre of an indisputable talent, could that talent only be kept to work.

David fell silent after a while, stiffening under a presentiment which was soon realised. He heard his sister's wretched lot discussed with shouts of laughter the chances of Brenart's escape from the mistress he had already wearied of and deceived the perils of 'la Montjoie's' jealousy. 'Il veut bien se debarrasser d'elle mais on ne plaisante pas avec une tigresse! said one of the speakers.