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The Army has welcomed them, disciplined them, and taught them the elements of self-respect a quality whose very existence they ignored before the war. There is an Italian proverb "Tutto il mondo è paese" which means, in its broadest sense, "All the world is ruled by the same passion and qualities."

To find a passage through the Mondo Novo, which Columbus had discovered, became therefore the aim of future Spanish exploration inspiring the second voyage of Pinzon in 1508, the expedition of Balboa across the Isthmus in 1513, the fatal last cruise of Solis to the mouth of the Plate River, and the final triumphant venture of Ferdinand Magellan.

"I will post thee in the railroad stations," continued the doctor, implacably; "I will bid my patients to write letters to all their friends, warning them against thy flea-ridden Del Mondo; I will apprise the steamboat companies at Genoa and Naples. Thou shalt see what comes of it, truly, thou shalt see."

Down to 1881 he printed chiefly volumes of verse which gave him a genuine, if not popular reputation. In that year he brought out his first romance, Malombra, and from time to time during the past quarter of a century he has followed it with Daniele Cortis, Il Mistero del Poeta, Piccolo Mondo Antico, Piccolo Mondo Moderno, and finally, in the autumn of 1905, Il Santo.

Have I known the love in which alone all sweetness lives?" The thought had come in like a firefly through an open window. "Have I? Have I?" And something within her felt a stab of pain, something within her soul and yet surely a thousand miles away. "Tutto tutto al mondo e vano," murmured Lady Cardington. "We feel that and we feel it, and do you?" "To-day I seem to," answered Lady Holme.

"Lo giorno che costei nel mondo venne, Secondo che si trova Nel libro della mente che vien meno, La mia persona parvola sostenne Una passion nova." That day when she unto the world attained, As is found written true Within the book of my now sinking soul, Then by my childish nature was sustained A passion new.

All the rest of Italy, especially to the north of the Apennines, was the battle-field of tyrants, whose title was illegitimate based, that is to say, on no feudal principle, derived in no regular manner from the Empire, but generally held as a gift or extorted as a prize from the predominant parties in the great towns. Chè se non fusser le gran parti in quella, Dominerebbe il mondo Italia bella.

So sudden and profound this precipice, that you seem to look off from one world to another. In a dreamy, sunny day, the spangled plain beneath assumes an uncertain fleeting aspect. Had you a deep-sea-lead you would almost be tempted to sound the ocean-haze at your feet. This, mortal! is the precipice of Mondo.

"Buy two or three," said Laura. Caesar bought a few and put them into his pocket. The vendor withdrew and Laura continued to look at Rome with enthusiasm. "Oh, how beautiful, how lovely it is! I never get tired of looking at it. It is my favourite city. 'O fior d'ogni citta, donna del mondo." "She is no longer mistress of the world, little sister." "For me she is. Look at St. Peter's.

Yet to-night she felt infinitely tender over Fritz, as if she stood by him again and saw the bandage darkened by the red stain. Then she thought of the song she had sung to Lady Cardington, the song which had surely opened the eyes of her own drowsy, if not actually sleeping, heart: "Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." It was horribly true to her to-night.