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'I don' 'xactly know, Ati, dear. But Tom say he mean dat by-an'-by, if we is good an' don' lie an' steal, an' don' kill nobody, dat we all go to heav' when we is die. 'Lita, dear, Ioane say one day dat de Bible say my fath' go to hell because he get drunk all de time. 'Don' you b'lieve him, Ati; Ioane is only dam Kanaka mission'ry. Wassa the hell do he know 'bout such thing?

Dooley to th' modhren improvements iv th' corset an' th' hat with th' blue bur-rd onto it, an' put shame into her because she hasn't let her feet grow, while th' head mission'ry reads me a pome out iv th' Northwesthren Christyan Advocate. 'Well, says I, 'look here, me good fellow, I says.

Hadji wan by wan, he says, 'but 'twud be betther, he says, 'f'r to stand up here an' be prisinted to her as a whole, he says, 'f'r, he says, ''tis growing late an' I want ye to come up to th' house, he says, 'an' pick a mission'ry with me, he says. 'A Baptist, he says, 'raised on th' farm, he says.

She was took bad this mornin', an' has been callin' for the teacher an' Lita an' I'd as lief go to hell as to ask a damned Kanaka mission'ry to come an' talk Gospel an' Heaven to a child o' mine not in my own house, anyway. It ain't right or proper.

There wa'n't no scrappin', nor war-path yowlin'; they jest come an' settled right down an' took on to the land. Wal, this feller, 'fore he died, got the Mission'ry on his trail, an' got religion; but he couldn't git dead clear o' his med'cine, an' he got to prophesyin'. He called all his folk together an' took out his youngest squaw.

Who's going to tell about it? You and your people won't." "What 'bout Missa Blount? What 'bout mission'ry?" Bilker grinned savagely. "Peter and Burrowes say they will kill Blount if I give them another five hundred sovereigns." "What 'bout mission'ry and mission'ry woman?" For a moment or two Bilker, crime-hardened villain as he was, hesitated.