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As he spoke a servant entered, carrying an exquisite basket of flowers, and brought it to Angela who blushed and smiled divinely as she took it and opened the envelope fastened to its handle and addressed to her, which contained merely these words, "A la mia dolcezza! Con voto d'eterno amore!

"Cara mia!" she murmured fondly, raising it to her lips, kissing it and caressing it gently against her cheek. "What wouldst thou thou greedy little Jaquino? Knowest not thou hast had one more berry than thy sweet little Jaquina?" But the dove only continued to flutter and coo on her hand. "Hearest thou not," she continued, "she already calls thee!"

And the povera signora, she is all dripping wet. She has been into the sea, and now she has carried the head of the povero signore all the way up the mountain. She would not let any one " A succession of cries came out of the darkness, hysterical cries that ended in prolonged sobbing. "That is Lucrezia!" cried one of the fishermen. "Madonna! That is Lucrezia!" "Mamma mia! Mamma mia!"

"You men, without exception, pretend to adore her but it is flattery; you know that she loves it and that it pleases me. Now Martel Madonna mia! What is this?" She broke off sharply and pointed toward the main gateway to the grounds.

Everything was in movement, stirring gayly into life to greet the coming day. Maurice opened his mouth and drew in the air to his lungs, expanding his chest. He felt inclined to dance, to sing, and very much inclined to eat. "Addio, Maddalena!" he said, holding out his hand. He looked into her eyes and added: "Addio, Maddalena mia!" She smiled and looked down, then up at him again.

The duke, who had left me to the wits for a short time, returned and took me to the box of his mistress, who was accompanied by an old lady of respectable appearance. As he went in he said, "'Leonilda mia, ti presento il cavalier Don Giacomo Casanova, Veneziano, amico mio'." She received me kindly and modestly, and stopped listening to the music to talk to me.

Putting her arm round her neck and her cheek next to her's, she exclaimed, "Vannozza cara! Vannozza mia!" Who are you? Am I dreaming? "My Francesca, whom I left an hour ago at the point of death?"

See-yonder vaisseaux-de-ligne appear trifling among these noble mountains and on this wide gulf; you cannot expect my little lugger to make much show. We are small, Ghita mia, if not insignificant!" "Still, where there are so many vigilant eyes, there is always danger, Raoul! Besides, a lugger is an unusual rig, as you have owned to me yourself." "Not here, among all these eastern craft.

Mamma mia! and only two days ago we were all at the fair together! And he was so generous, Signor Barone." He moved a little nearer, but Artois saw him glance swiftly at Gaspare, like a man fearful of violence and ready to repel it. "He paid for everything. We could all keep our soldi in our pockets. And he gave Maddalena a beautiful blue dress, and he gave me a donkey. Dio mio!

"But do not fancy," continued the Princess, laughing, "that you have had only this spy to encounter. Many others have watched your motions and your conversations, and all concur in saying you are the devil, and they could make nothing of you. But that, 'mia cara piccola diavolina', is just what we want!"