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The words mean literally "eagle, tiger." These were military titles applied to officers commanding small bodies of troops; figuratively, the words mean control, power, and dignity; also, bravery and virtue. Comp. Agustin de Vetancurt, Teatro Mexicano, Tratado II, cap. 3.

Ah, well, well no smoke, no Mexicano, as the saying goes." He regarded his guest doubtfully, with a shadow of disfavor. Then, rolling a cigarette, he remarked: "You have a very white skin, Señor Hardy; I think you have not been in Arizona very long." "Only a year," replied Hardy modestly. "Muchacho!" cried the señor. "Run and tell the señora to hasten the dinner.

The artillery is "not good," Count Metternich added, but the officers are "colossal," a word in German that expresses everything. Count Metternich is the greatest gentleman jockey in the world; he has not got a whole bone in his body. They call him der Mexicano, as he is so bronzed and dark-skinned and has been in Mexico.

Before sunset the signals were made for the British fleet to prepare for battle, and to keep in close order all the night, during which the signal-guns of the Spaniards were distinctly heard. Guns. 130 Santissima Trinidada. 112 Concepcion. Conde de Regla. Mexicano. Principe de Asturias. Salvador del Mundo. San Josef. 80 Neptuno. San Nicolas. 74 Atalante. Bahama. Conquistador. Firme. Glorioso.

Having passed the day at the Inn of the Stars, where they had been resting after the fatigues of the long night's ride, the Captain and José again directed their steps toward the town in the cool of the evening; José making for Pedro Romero's gambling-hall, the Captain for Carlos Moreno's theater, the Theatro Mexicano. Owing to the tardiness of his arrival, he found the house packed to the doors.

"Look out for him!" shouted Fred and Murden, spurring towards me, but there was no necessity to caution me. I had my rope all ready, and when the bird was near enough, I whirled it over my head a la Mexicano, and let it fly at the long neck that was stretched out to its fullest extent.

Sixty-eight years after Benavides' time the Teatro Mexicano of the Franciscan Fray Agustin de Vetancurt was published. The third and fourth parts of this important work, namely, the Cronica de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico and the Menologio Franciscano, are of the highest value to the history of the Rio Grande Pueblos and of New Mexico generally.

"You may be cooking for a Mexicano yet." "If I do he'll know it," was the prompt reply. "I ain't the runnin' kind. Anybody who's staved off the landlord in New York as many times as I have ain't going to worry about Mexicans. What I think those young folks ought to do is to go East for their honeymoon." "They can't," replied Adams, with a grin.

Laughing, I looked round, and saw that the Don was returning, sure enough. He hurried up, holding out a large sheet of parchment. "Well, Senor, what's this?" I inquired. "No soy Mexicano soy Espanol!" Casting my eye carelessly over the document, I perceived that it was a safeguard from the Spanish consul at Vera Cruz, certifying that the bearer, Don Cosme Rosales, was a native of Spain.

Bean soup with rice, well seasoned with pepper a la Mexicano. 2. Fish, with the best sauce ever tasted since I left home. 3. Fried eggs and potatoes. Rice and roast meat a la Francaise. 5. Rice pudding. 6. Fruit. Glass of good Spanish rum a la rhum. I have quite a few souvenirs from them and some Spanish buttons for sister.