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Ameerah answered her with simple fluency in Hindustani, with her manner of not realising that she was speaking to a foreigner who could not understand her. What she explained was that, having heard that Jane's Mem Sahib came here to meditate on account of the stillness, she herself had formed the habit of coming to indulge in prayer and meditation when the place was deserted for the day.

"The pusillanimous rascal!" he exclaimed, as he hurried off in the direction indicated. "The darkest hour is just before day." So the gloom now cast over our little circle by Moonshee's departure was quickly followed by the light of love in Beebe's tearful eyes as she bade her husband adieu. "How could she," she asked, "leave her Mem and the chota baba sahib alone in a strange land?"

He has consented to come all the way from New York with us and take command of our boat and find the buried treasure, and " "Buried potatoes," snapped Filipo with a sudden reversion to his unimpaired English. "Well, at least you understand about tomorrow's breakfast now, don't you?" "Yes, mem. Boil 'um eggs to death; no peel 'um." "No, no, no, Filipo boil them two minutes and a half.

The Mazitu have been here three times, and the fear they have inspired, though they were successfully repelled, has prevented agricultural operations from being carried on. Mem. A flake of reed is often used in surgical operations among the natives, as being sharper than their knives. Chuma remembers part of the words of her song to be as follows:

Full of rough but real politeness to women when in good humour, he lost all his manners along with his temper upon the slightest provocation, and her tone irritated him. 'Hoo cam Robert's shune to be i' your shop? 'Somebody bude till hae brocht them, mem. In a' my expairience, and that's no sma', I never kent pair o' shune gang ohn a pair o' feet i' the wame o' them.

I wondered, if I fell that day at the head of my mem, if the papers at the North, and particularly in Wisconsin, would say "The deceased had just been promoted, for gallant conduct, to the position of Corporal, and it will be hard to fill his place." With these thoughts I sadly reported to the orderly. The ten picked men were in line.

He says he would not have done it, if he could have found two in the council to support him. Works, 144, Evelyn's Mem. ii. App. 90.

No answer from Baubie, who seemed to be absorbed in watching the drops running off the end of her little red nose, which played the part of a gargoyle to the rest of her face. Miss Mackenzie repeated the question, sternly almost: "Bauble Wishart, I insist upon knowing who gave you that bruise." "A didna gie't to mysel', mem." was the answer from the figure in the soapsuds.

And I suppose it is the poor creature's colour that's against her, and I'm trying to be kind to her, but I must own that she makes me nervous. She asks me such a lot of questions in her queer way, and stares at me so quiet. She actually asked me quite sudden the other day if I loved the big Mem Sahib.

He is your valet de chambre, your butler, your steward and your general agent, your interpreter and your directory. He controls the other servants with a rod of iron, but bows to the earth before the mem, or the master. For his ten Mexican dollars a month he takes all the burdens from your shoulders, and stands between you and the rude outside polyglot world.