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A narrow canal separated it from a considerable stretch of land, perhaps a continent, for we could not see its limits. The existence of this land seemed to give some colour to Maury's theory. The ingenious American has remarked that, between the South Pole and the sixtieth parallel, the sea is covered with floating ice of enormous size, which is never met with in the North Atlantic.

"If you mean deliberately injecting a slushy fade-out into each one, I'm not. But I don't suppose I'm being so careful. I'm certainly writing faster and I don't seem to be thinking as much as I used to. Perhaps it's because I don't get any conversation, now that you're married and Maury's gone to Philadelphia. Haven't the old urge and ambition. Early success and all that." "Doesn't it worry you?"

Just such a basin is the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf Stream, and the Sargasso Sea is the center of the whirl." I share Maury's view, and I was able to study the phenomenon in this exclusive setting where ships rarely go.

Anthony, carrying Maury's suitcase up-stairs, followed into the room and carefully closed the door. "Who is this fellow?" he demanded. Maury chuckled enthusiastically. "Who, Hull? Oh, he's all right. He's a good one." "Yes, but who is he?" "Hull? He's just a good fellow. He's a prince." His laughter redoubled, culminating in a succession of pleasant catlike grins.

I find out, furthermore, that what old Maury's Geography led me to believe was a vast Desert of Gobi here in North China or Mongolia alongside Manchuria is not a genuine desert at all, but chiefly a great grass plain with golden possibilities as a cattle country. Mr.

Room 15 shows some charming pieces, Lucien Simon's strongly contrasting work in the spiritual "Communicants" and his barbaric "Gondola" ; Domergue's "The Frog" , Besnard's glowing "Gipsy" , and Lemordant's "The Wind" . These last give a strong color to the room, relieved by Leroux' calm "Lake" , and Maury's delicate young girls . Room 16 is better balanced.

At the risk of becoming tedious to uninquiring readers, we will make a brief extract from Hunt's "Merchants' Magazine" of 1854, as given in a foot-note in Maury's "Physical Geography of the Sea." "Now, let us make a calculation of the annual saving to the commerce of the United States effected by these charts and sailing directions.

He had learned English, the universal language of the blue dominions, and was refreshing himself with a study of Maury's charts the sailors' Bible the patient work of an obscure genius who first snatched from ocean and atmosphere the secret of their laws.

Maury's mother lived with her married son in Philadelphia, and there Maury went usually for the week-ends, so one Saturday night when Anthony, prowling the chilly streets in a fit of utter boredom, dropped in at the Molton Arms he was overjoyed to find that Mr. Noble was at home. His spirits soared faster than the flying elevator.

Going by with a gun so frequently, one could not help noticing these things, and remembering them when reading Lyell's "Geology," or Maury's book on the sea, or the innumerable treatises bearing on the same interesting questions.