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Townsend's "Collapse of Evolution," McCann's "God or Gorilla," Philip Mauro's "Evolution At the Bar," and other anti-evolution books. Alfred McCann, in his great work, "God or Gorilla," mentions 20 of the most prominent scholars, who do not accept Darwinism. Yet they say, "All scholars accept evolution"!!

Son of the foremost lawyer of his native town of Utrera, educated in Sevilla at the best university of his province, already at twenty-four himself a fully accredited licenciado, Mauro's future held actually brilliant prospects for a man of the station into which he was born. And yet, most envied of his classmates though he was, to Mauro himself the future loomed black, forbidding, cheerless.

Then gently touching Mauro's arm, the Duke queried: "And so you admire the Duchess, young man?" With a start Mauro answered, after a dazed stare at the Duke: "A thousand pardons, Excellency! But yes, sir; who in all the world could fail to admire her?" "Yes, yes," replied the Duke; "God never made but one other quite her equal, and her He made in her own very image Sofia; que Dios la aguarda!"

For days she had coveted any of the seats along the lower rows of open benches, close down to the six-foot barrier between the ring and the auditorium, close down where she could catch every shifting expression of Mauro's mobile face, and where he could scarcely fail to see and recognize her.

We quote from Mauro's "Evolution at the Bar," p. 71: "A parent writing to a religious periodical, tells of a text book brought home by his seven-year-old boy, the title of which was, 'Home Geography for Primary Grades. Discussing the subject of birds, this text book for primary grades says: 'Ever so long ago, their grandfathers were not birds at all.

S. Mauro's vision of his master's translation to heaven the ladder of light issuing between two cypresses, and the angels watching on the tower walls might even be styled poetical. But the decorative angels on the roof and other places, being adapted from Egyptian art, have a strange, incongruous appearance.

Mauro's father, by legacy from his father, was the attorney and counsellor of the Duque de la Torrevieja; and so might Mauro have been for the next Duke had there not cropped out in him the daring, the love of adventure, the pride, and the confidence that had lifted the first Lucha-sangre above his fellows.