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Thou barraine ground, whom winter's wrath hath wasted, Art made a mirror to behold my plight: Whilome thy fresh spring flower'd: and after hasted Thy summer prowde, with daffodillies dight; And now is come thy winter's stormy state, Thy mantle mar'd wherein thou maskedst late.

"Marse Whately des set out ter mar'y you, ez ef you wuz a post dat cud be stood up en mar'd to enybody at eny time. Hi! Miss Lou, I'se bettah off dan you, fer I kin pick en choose my ole man." "Everybody in the world is better off than I am." "I wudn't stan' it, Miss Lou. I sut'ny wudn't. I'd runned away." "How could I run away? Where could I go to?"

I could not even punctooate my sentences proper at that time, and I observe with pane, on lookin over this effort of my youth, that its beauty is in one or two instances mar'd by ingrammaticisms. This was inexcusable, and I'm surprised I did it. A writer who can't write in a grammerly manner better shut up shop. You shall hear this Essy on Animals.

"Doan you git so bumptious all ter oncet," said Aun' Jinkey. "Does you 'spect de hull top's gwine ter be tu'ned right ober down'erds in er day? But dar! you ain' no 'sper'ience. Yo' stomack emty en you' haid light. Draw up now en tell me de news. Tell me sud'n 'bout Miss Lou. Did dey git her mar'd?" "Yah! yah! Marse Scoville's so'd ud cut de knot ef dey had." "Dat's des ez much ez you knows.

Mocassin! Mocassin! the simple song became for the moment clothed in vicarious majesty. Jim Silver felt the thrill of it, as did his companion. "Mar'd like that," said Old Mat sentimentally. "She's same as me. She likes hymns." The object of the enthusiasm seemed unconscious of it.

I could not even punctooate my sentences proper at that time, and I observe with pane, on lookin over this effort of my yooth, that its beauty is in one or two instances mar'd by ingrammaticisms. This was unexcusable, and I'm surprised I did it. A writer who can't write in a grammerly manner better shut up shop. You shall hear this Essy on Animals.

MR. PUNCH, My dear Sir, It is seldim that the Commercial relations between Great Britain and the United States is mar'd by Games. It is Commerce after all, which will keep the two countries friendly to'ards each other rather than statesmen. I look at your last Parliament, and I can't see that a single speech was encored during the entire session.