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'I promised my mammie I would never lose it; and I've been so afraid lest some one should see it, and take it from me. 'Whoever is this pretty little lady, Rosalie? 'She's my mammie's sister. Oh, such a good, kind lady! That is her picture when she was quite young: she is married now, and has a little girl of her own. So now I'll tell you all about it, said Rosalie.

'I am so glad! she was so very ill that night. 'Oh no, no, no! said Rosalie, with a flood of tears 'no, she didn't get better; she wrote that letter a long time ago. 'Poor little Rosalie! said Jessie, putting her arms round her, and shedding tears also. 'I am so very, very sorry! 'Please, Jessie, said Rosalie through her tears, 'did you remember to give Mrs. Leslie my mammie's message?

'Just before my mammie died, she gave me that locket, and she said, if ever I had an opportunity, I was to go to my Aunt Lucy. She wrote a letter for me to take with me, to say who I am, and to ask my Aunt Lucy to be kind to me. 'Here's the letter, said the child, taking it out of the parcel; 'that's my mammie's writing. "MRS. LESLIE, Melton Parsonage." Didn't she write beautifully?

She has been asleep once; but Miss Regina pets her a good deal, and had her in the library singing to her." "Mr. Palma, shall I kiss you good-night?" asked the pretty creole, lifting her curly head from her "mammie's" shoulder. "Good-night, Llora. Such tender birds should have been in their nests long before this. I shall go and scold Miss Orme for keeping you awake so late."

It was because of being with my bairn that I wouldna agree to live in the hospital here like the rest of the nurses, and whan I gang hame noo to my little garret, he will waken up out of his saft sleep, rosy and fresh, and hold up his bonnie mou', sae like his father's, for 'mammie's kiss."

I'm not quite sure what grace means; I was thinking about it the other day. And now my mammie's dead, I've no one to ask about things; but I think it must mean love; it seems as if it ought to mean love in this verse; and He does love us, you know, Betsey Ann, so we can't be far wrong if we say it means love.

"After the War was over mammie's old man did not want us with them, so he threatened to kill us. Then my old mammie fixed us a little bundle of what few clothes we had and started us two children out to go back to the Campbell family in Albany. The road was just a wilderness and full of wild animals and varmints.