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We walked on down the well-lit boulevard, my brain a-whirl, until at last, pressed hard by her, I consented to act as she directed. I found, in the course of the next three days, that Lady Lydbrook's whole life was centered upon the possession of jewels of great value, and I was amazed to discover how very cleverly she plotted the coup which I was to carry out.

Once one becomes a servant of 'The Golden Face' one remains so always, extremely well paid and highly prosperous providing one is alert and shrewd, but ruined and imprisoned if one either makes a slip or grows defiant. I hope you will understand me, signor. I have been given a master-key to the hotel. It will open Lady Lydbrook's door. Here it is." "But I really cannot accede to this!" I declared.

The voice was Lady Lydbrook's. I could recognize it anywhere! I watched. The young man's attitude was certainly threatening. "I don't intend now that you'll get off lightly. You'll have to pay me not a fiver but fifty pounds to-night. So go back to the hotel and bring me out a cheque. I'll wait at the Wish Tower. But mind it isn't a dud one. If it is, then, by gad! I'll tell them right away.

So, to cut a long story short, I met the mysterious Italian crook next day and I fell, for I took the master-key and agreed to attempt the theft of Lady Lydbrook's pearls! I now saw through Rayne's devilish plot. I was to be used still further as his cat's-paw, and he had planned that because of my friendship with the pretty young woman, at his orders I was to steal her property.

I shall always recollect the moment when I slipped the pendant into Lady Lydbrook's soft hand as she stood in déshabille at the half-opened door of her bedroom and her quick whispered words: "I shall be away by the first train. Stay here to-morrow and cross to London the next day. Au revoir! Let us meet again soon!" And she gripped my hand warmly in hers and closed her door noiselessly. Ah!

Instead, I rushed up to my own room, obtained the "trick" attaché-case, and carrying it along to Lady Lydbrook's room, stealthily opened the door with the master-key which Ansaldi had given me. All was dark within. I switched on the light, when, before me, upon the little table, I saw the small green jewel-box. In an instant I placed the attaché-case over it and next second it had disappeared.

Next night with Lady Lydbrook's help I was, however, able to get into the old woman's bedroom and carry out my contract for the preservation of silence concerning the affair at Eastbourne.