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Why has not the sea o'erwhelm'd me that respects not even the innocent themselves? Have I been a murderer? when I had violated Lycas's wife, have I fled justice? have I escap'd even when I was condemn'd to dye, to live in a strange place, to have my name recorded only among beggars and vagabonds? and who condemn'd me to this solitude? A boy!

So stood the matter while we were at Lycas's: Tryphoena was desperately in love with Gito; Gito again as wholly devoted to her; I car'd least for the sight of either of them; and Lycas studying to please me, found me every day some new diversion: In all which also his wife Doris, a fine woman, strove to exceed him, and that so gayly, that she presently thrust Tryphoena from my heart: I gave her the wink, and she return'd her consent by as wanton a twinckle; so that this dumb rhetorick going before the tongue, secretly convey'd each others mind.

Early the next morning therefore we march'd to sea-ward, where with the less difficulty we got on board the ship, because we were no strangers to Lycas's servants then in wait upon her: They still honouring us with their company, it was not a time to filch any thing; but, leaving Gito with them, I took an opportunity of getting into the stern, where the image of Isis stood, and strip'd her of a rich mantle, and silver taber, lifting other good booty out of the master's cabin, I stole down by a rope, unseen by any but Gito; who also gave them the slip and sculk'd after me.

Then the confusion I was in, my disfigur'd face, with the equal baldness of my head and eye-brows, gave a ridiculous air to everything I said or did; but when they wip'd us with a wet spunge, the letters melting into one, spread o'er our faces such a sooty cloud that turn'd Lycas's rage to a perfect loathing.