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Authon he sped, raising a cloud of dust, his keen eyes rivetted upon the road ahead, and down into the valley where a tributary of the Bethune winds its troubled way past Le Farge, past tiny, picturesque Loix, into an area of 'lowland where an isolated cottage seemed like a lonely spectre of the night as he passed, on through Mernoy to the crossing at Chabris, and then

DE THOU has himself told us, that from his tender youth his mind was full of the idea of composing a history of his own times; and his whole life was passed in preparation, and in a continued accession of materials for a future period. From the age of twenty, MONTESQUIEU was preparing the materials of L'Esprit des Loix, by extracts from the immense volumes of civil law.

Vous meme, ou seriez vous, vous qui la combattez, Si toujours Antiope, a ses loix opposee, D'une pudique ardeur n'eut brule pour Thesee? In Berenice, Antiochus receives his confidant, whom he had sent to announce his visit to the Queen, with the words: Arsace, entrerons- nous?

Yet he has a character I mean that his "Esprit des Loix" has a character above its merit. His historical facts are, nevertheless, collected and arranged with judgment, and his reasoning is ingenuous. The political dogmas are not, however, to be received as axioms. They are neither founded on experience nor on a knowledge of human nature. You improve greatly in your style and manner of writing.

"On entrevoit de certaines loix a l'égard de l'arrangement respectif de cet ordre secondaire d'anciennes roches, par tous les systèmes de montagnes qui appartiennent

"La bizarrerie des loix," says Mercier, "et la varieté des coutumes font que l'avocat le plus savant devient un ignore des qu'il se trouve en Gasgogne, ou en Normandie. Il perd a Vernon, un procés qu'il avoit gagné a Poissy.

See for instance a strange discussion about morale universelle and the like in Mém. de Mdme. d'Epinay, i. 217-226. Often described as Morelly the Younger, to distinguish him from his father, who wrote an essay on the human heart, and another on the human intelligence. Code de la Nature, ou le véritable esprit de ses loix, de tout tems négligé ou méconnu.

Nevertheless, the actors did not, on that account, relinquish the title of Comediens ordinaires du Roi. Shortly after, they even became, in general, the declared partisans of the old regime, or at least of the court. Their house was frequently an arena where the two parties came to blows, particularly on the occasion of the tragedy of Charles Neuf, by CHENIER, and of the comedy of L'Ami des Loix.

Ce maitre pretendu qui leur donne des loix, Ce roi des animaux, combien a-t'il de rois?" "Yet, pleased with idle whimsies of his brain, And puffed with pride, this haughty thing would fain Be think himself the only stay and prop That holds the mighty frame of Nature up.

On one occasion, he really treats Rome as if it had been nothing more than a post station on the road from Florence to Naples; but, again, if the scenery and people take his fancy, "he has a royal reluctance to move on, as his own hero showed when his eye glanced on the grands caractères rouges, tracés par la main de Carathis?... Qui me donnera des loix? s'écria le Caliphe."