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"Give it to me and I'll read it aloud down-stairs, your whole subscription list's down there waiting." But we have to wait just the same until the item is set up.

Strefford vetoed the Lido, on the ground that he'd just come back from there, and proposed that they should go out on foot for a change. "Why not? What fun!" Susy was up in an instant. "Let's pay somebody a surprise visit I don't know who! Streffy, Prince, can't you think of somebody who'd be particularly annoyed by our arrival?" "Oh, the list's too long.

Mr List's squint assumed a portentous character, which seemed to threaten a prolongation of this controversy, when his companion, who had been looking sharply at the old man, put a timely stop to it. 'Who knows, said he, with a cunning look, 'but the gentleman may have civilly meant to ask if he might have the honour to take a hand with us! 'I did mean it, cried the old man.

Those list's of our Names we have given to Several of the nativs, and also pasted up a Copy in our room. the Object of these lists we Stated in the preamble of the Same as follows Viz: "The Object of this list is, that through the medium of Some civilized person who may See the Same, it may be made known to the informed world, that the party consisting of the persons whoes names are hereunto annexed, and who were Sent out by the Government of the United States in May 1804, to explore the interior of the Continent of North America, did penetrate the Same by way of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, to the discharge of the latter into the Pacific Ocian, where they arrived on the 14th of November 1805, and from whence they departed the day of March 1806 on their return to the United States by the Same rout they had come out."

Nor was this all. Everything gave back, besides, some reflection of the kindly spirit of the brothers. The warehousemen and porters were such sturdy, jolly fellows, that it was a treat to see them. Among the shipping announcements and steam-packet list's which decorated the counting-house wall, were designs for almshouses, statements of charities, and plans for new hospitals.

"I'm hanged if it is. You don't think I'm going to sit tight and take my first as if nothing had happened?" "What can you do? The list's up. Are you going to the Old Man to ask him if I can play, like Lionel Tremayne?" The hopelessness of the situation came over Bob like a wave. He looked helplessly at Mike. "Besides," added Mike, "I shall get in next year all right.

I referred to Friedrich List's great book as illustrating how military and geographical considerations had affected matters for Germany in this connection. The Emperor then spoke of Chamberlain's policy of Tariff Reform, and said that it had caused him anxiety. I replied that with care we might avoid any real bad feeling over trade.

But your list's rather short and incomplete. There are one or two quite as important things you might have added to it; though perhaps I'm exacting." There was silence for a few moments, and a faint flicker of color crept into Mrs. Colston's face while the girl mused.

He held them towards the negro sergeant, who, under the eye of the Governor, resisted, and then spread the tickets on his knee like a hand at cards. "I stand to win a lot with these," he said, with a cheerful sigh. "You see, until the list's published I'm prospectively worth twenty thousand dollars. And," he added, "I break stones in the sun."