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It is green tarlatan dotted all over with little silver paper hatchets, and trimmed with garlands and bunches of artificial cherries." "Oh, I'm so glad you brought the pictuah with you to-night!" exclaimed Lloyd. "And I'm wild to see the lettah. Kitty always writes such funny ones. And I'm glad I met you out heah befoah the choir practice begins.

The cup Mis' Alice gave him was a-settin' on the mantel, an' Mars' Nat was stewin' up some sawt of cough tonic for him. The white folks up Nawth must a thought a heap of him. He'd just got a lettah from one of the college professahs 'quirin' bout his health. Mars' Nat read out what was on the back of it: 'Rev'und Gawge W. Chadwick, an' some lettahs on the end that I kain't remembah.

There was no chance to reply, for she walked away as she spoke. In a second she was talking to a customer in her usual business-like manner. As Faith turned to look over her stock she heard some one speak. There was a colored man at her counter holding a letter out toward her. "Dis yere lettah fo' you, missy," he said, with a wide grin. "Dar ain't no name on it, honey, but I know's yo' face.

At wullunce." "Lessah," he added two moments later. "Catchee lettah, them lady, and she say, she say, go to hellee!" "What! What's that, John? She said nothing of the sort!" "Lessah, said them. No catchee word, that what she mean. Lady, one time she say, she say, go topside when have got plenty leady for come."

Clarke gave you last October and instructed you to deliver to Betty?" "I dun recollec' no lettah, sah," replied Sam. "Now, Sam, don't lie about it. Clarke has just told me that he gave you the letter. What did you do with it?" "Masse Zane, I ain dun seen no lettah," answered the old darkey, taking a dingy pipe from his mouth and rolling his eyes at his master.

Buckner, "that you are the pusson Mistah Ma'ston spoke to the p'op'ietor about?" "Yes, suh, I reckon I is. He p'omised to git me a job up hyeah, an' I got yo' lettah " here Silas, who had set his bundle on the floor in coming into the Presence, began to fumble in his pockets for the letter.

The man scratched his head and looked doubtfully at Langdon. "Guess you're asking me some kind of a question, sah?" "I am. Who art thou? Whence comest thou, Sir Knight of Nubia? Bearest thou upon thy person some written token, or, as you would say in your common parlance, what's your business?" "Oh, I see, sah. Yes, sah, I done got a lettah from Mr. Theophilus Moncrieffe.

You have always been honest. Your act has caused great misunderstanding and it might have led to worse." "He's one of dem no good Southern white trash; he's good fer nuttin'," said Sam. "I saw yo' sistah, Mis' Betty, wit him, and I seen she was gittin' fond of him, and I says I ain't gwinter have Mis' Betty runnin' off wif him. And I'se never gibbin de lettah to her."

"Hello, Rad, is that you?" he inquired, recognizing the voice of the colored owner of the mule Boomerang. "Yais, sa, dat's me. I got a lettah fo' yo'. I were passin' de post-office an' de clerk asted me to brung it to yo' 'case as how it's marked 'hurry, an' he said he hadn't seen yo' to-day." "That's right.

A maid of honah should be too honahable to insist on finding out things that were not intended for her to know. I hadn't thought. If mothah took all the trouble of sending a special-delivery lettah to you to keep me from knowing till my birthday, I'm not going to pry around trying to find out." "Well, if you aren't the queerest," began Grace.