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"John," said I to my Chinaman, "carry this to the ladies;" and handed him a card on which I had inscribed: "Black Bart's compliments; and he desires the attendance of the ladies on deck for a parley. At once." John came back in a few moments and stood on one foot. "She say, she say, Misal Hally, she say no come." "Letter have got, John?" "Lessah have got." "Take it back. Say, at once." "Lessah.

Davidson to use his servants and his table in this way in his absence. Besides " "Besides, I recalled that your Aunt Lucinda's neuralgia is always benefited by a glass or so of ninety-three at about ten thirty of the evening. John!" "Lessah!" "Go to the left-hand locker in B; and bring me a bottle of the ninety-three.

"Allah Illeh Lessah," they chanted monotonously, with a scrub of the brush at each emphasis. "Allah Illeh Lessah." "Allah help me," thought Arlee Beecher.

At wullunce." "Lessah," he added two moments later. "Catchee lettah, them lady, and she say, she say, go to hellee!" "What! What's that, John? She said nothing of the sort!" "Lessah, said them. No catchee word, that what she mean. Lady, one time she say, she say, go topside when have got plenty leady for come."