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When Ralph heard of her death, he went out and hung himself. What Dr. Leatrim's feelings were at this unlooked-for desolation of all his earthly hopes, one can only imagine, it is impossible to describe. One grave contained the mortal remains of the mother and son, and the sad story created for the bereaved husband and father a world-wide sympathy.

"Don't be alarmed, my dear father, mamma is better. She sent me to tell you so, and that she wishes to see you for a few minutes." 'He met the stern severity of Dr. Leatrim's glance; it chilled him to the heart He drew back, regarding him in wondering surprise. "What is the matter, my father? Something dreadful has happened. Are you ill?"

I want you to give me some clue by which the real culprit could be brought to justice." 'The old man cast a hasty glance at his master, as if he could do so if he pleased, but remained silent. 'The look did not escape Doctor Leatrim's keen eye. "Speak, Ralph! Speak out like a man. I feel certain that you know something about it."

Leatrim's ministry, had given liberally; that the box must have been robbed, and that to a considerable amount. My uncle returned home a miserable man. A great and heinous sin had been committed. To suspect any of the members of his household was a sin almost as great. What was to be done? 'Dr. Leatrim's was not a spirit to brook delay.

He could not answer the question in a manner at all satisfactory to his mind, or still the sharp upbraidings of conscience; and flinging himself upon his knees, he buried his face in his hands, and offered up to God an agony of repentant tears. 'George Leatrim's first thought was to go to his mother; but then she was ill, and happily unconscious of what had taken place.

Religious without cant, and clever without pretence, it is no wonder that his father, who was his sole instructor, reposed in the fine lad the utmost confidence, treating him more like an equal than a son, over whom he held the authority of both pastor and parent. 'There was none of the nervous timidity that marked Mrs. Leatrim's intercourse with her husband in the conduct of her son.

Innocence is stronger than guilt. I never took the money. I know nothing about it, so help me God!" 'Dr. Leatrim's heart was touched. His eyes were full of tears. He made a motion to Ralph Wilson to speak. "Master George," said the old man, coming close up to the agitated youth, and laying his hand upon his shoulder.