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He had never seen it before, and, after reading aloud and slowly, "Relation de l'Inquisition de Goa," began to peruse it with eagerness. While Dr. Buchanan employed himself in writing, Friar Joseph devoured page after page; but as the narrative proceeded, betrayed evident symptoms of uneasiness.

Orgueil, astuce, et pauvrete, Grands complimens, peu de bonte Et beaucoup de ceremonie. "L'extravagante comedie Que souvent l'Inquisition Vent qu'on nomme religion Mais qu'ici nous nommons folie. "La Nature en vain bienfaisante Vent enricher ses lieux charmans, Des pretres la main desolante Etouffe ses plus beaux presens.

We know what he did do, and the record is sufficiently damning. There is no harm in our giving the Devil his due, or as Llorente wittily says, "Il ne faut pas calomnier meme l'Inquisition." Philip inherited all his father's bad qualities, without any of his good ones; and so it is much easier to judge him than his father.

"Voila les oubliettes! Voila les oubliettes! Subterranean! Frightful! Black! Terrible! Deadly! Les oubliettes de l'Inquisition!" My blood ran cold, as I looked from Goblin, down into the vaults, where these forgotten creatures, with recollections of the world outside of wives, friends, children, brothers starved to death, and made the stones ring with their unavailing groans.

Si cet etat de choses doit perseverer, ne parlons plus de l'inquisition, nous en avons perdu le droit, car la liberte des cultes n'est que dans les decrets, et la persecution tiraille toute la France. James?" "In Turkey the liberty of worship is admitted, though it does not exist in France.

Si cet etat de choses doit perseverer, ne parlons plus de l'inquisition, nous en avons perdu le droit, car la liberte des cultes n'est que dans les decrets, et la persecution tiraille toute la France. James?" "In Turkey the liberty of worship is admitted, though it does not exist in France.

'Voila! she darts down at the ring, and flings the door open with a crash, in her goblin energy, though it is no light weight. 'Voila les oubliettes! Voila les oubliettes! Subterranean! Frightful! Black! Terrible! Deadly! Les oubliettes de l'Inquisition!

Full details of numbers are given in the "Histoire critique de l'Inquisition d'Espagne," Llorente, t. Total ................... 52,855 In A.D. 1485, no less than 950 persons were burned at Villa Real, now Ciudad Real. Spite of all this awful suffering, heretics and Jews remained antagonistic to the church, and in March, A.D. 1492, the edict of the expulsion of the Jews was signed.

In this way I read to him the long stories of Father Maimbourg, a writer who is now forgotten, but who in his time was appreciated by Voltaire, various publications by M. Benjamin Guérard, whose learning was much appreciated by him, and a few works by M. de Maistre, notably his Lettre sur l'Inquisition espagnole.

In the first place, he had just completed the destruction of the Jesuits, and this was entitling him to no small thanks and praises from encyclopedists. Every one knows those two lines of Voltaire's "Aranda dans l'Espagne instruisant les fideles, A l'inquisition vient de rogner les ailes." *