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"Warum denn?" said I, quite astonished at her R -l H -ss's question. The P -cess then spoke of some trifle from my pen, which was simply signed Goliah Gahagan. There was, unluckily, a dead silence as H. R. H. put this question. "Comment donc?" said H. M. Lo-is Ph-l-ppe, looking gravely at Count Mole; "le cher Major a quitte l'armee! Nicolas donc sera maitre de l'Inde!" H. M and the Pr.

See Watters, I. p. 267. I. p. 262. For an account of the doctrines see also Vasilief, 245 ff. See Przyluski's article on "Le Nord-Ouest de l'Inde dans le Vinaya des Mûla-sarvâstivâdins," J.A. 1914, II. pp. 493 ft. Ind. Lit. This may be a poetic artifice or it may be that the stories are interpolations.

The title of this work explains its object and its importance, in describing a portion of the globe consisting of such lofty and successive ridges and table-lands as rise from the level of the sea to the summits of the Cordilleras of Mexico and Peru. XII. Sur l'Elevation des Montagnes de l'Inde. Octavo. Paris: 1818.

Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1802-6, revu et augmenté de notes. Par Sonnini. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. The notes by Sonnini sufficiently point out the nature and character of this work. Voyage dans la Peninsule Occidentale de l'Inde, et dans l'Isle de Ceylon. 2 Vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811.

"L'Inde sans les Anglais." I think military life in Benares must be slow, the soldier seems to have so much routine work in India when there is no frontier campaign going on. It must be irksome for anyone fond of fighting.

A good summary interpretation is found in M. Glotz, "Le Mouvement 'Swadeshi' dans l'Inde," Revue du Mois, July, 1913. Sir T. Morison, The Economic Transition in India, pp. 240-241. Also see Sir Valentine Chirol, Indian Unrest, pp. 255-279; William Archer, India and the Future, pp. 131-157. Good examples are found in the writings of Mukerjee and Lajpat Rai, already quoted.

REINAUD, Mèmoires sur l'Inde, antérieurement au milieu du XIe siècle, d'après les écrivains arabes, persans et chinois. Paris, M.D.CCC. XLIX. p. 215. An impression prevails even to the present day, that the process of training is tedious and difficult, and the reduction of a full-grown elephant to obedience, slow and troublesome in the extreme.

It was very good of you to think of my book on 'L'Inde Anglaise, and I thank you for the 'Edinburgh Review' which you have sent me. I read the article with great interest. It is very well done, and I beg you to thank the author in my name for having taken the trouble to read me with so much attention and good will.

Mohammed Ali, "Le Mouvement musulman dans l'Inde," Revue Politique Internationale, January, 1914. He headed the so-called "Khilafat Delegation" sent by the Indian Moslems to England in 1919 to protest against the partition of the Ottoman Empire by the peace treaties. A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, p. 181. G. Civimini, in the Corriere della Sera, December 30, 1919.

"Warum denn?" said I, quite astonished at her R-l H- ss's question. The P-cess then spoke of some trifle from my pen, which was simply signed Goliah Gahagan. There was, unluckily, a dead silence as H.R.H. put this question. "Comment donc?" said H.M. Lo-is Ph-l-ppe, looking gravely at Count Mole; "le cher Major a quitte l'armee! Nicolas donc sera maitre de l'Inde!" H. M- and the Pr.