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But, in the meantime, the importance of gas shell was impressed upon the French and, on the 1st July, 1915, this organisation passed into M. Albert Thomas's new Ministere de L'Artillerie et des Munitions. Manufacture passed into the hands of the Directeur du Materiel Chimique de Guerre. In September, 1915, these sections were centralised under General Ozil, attached to the same Ministry.

If you are fond of inspecting curious fire-arms, you should examine the depot d'armes of M. BOUTET in the Rue de la Loi, whose manufactory is at Versailles, and also pay a visit to M. REGNIER, at the Depot Central de l'Artillerie, Rue de l'Universite, who is a very ingenious mechanic, and will shew you several curious articles of his own invention, such as a dynamometre, by means of which you can ascertain and compare the relative strength of men, as well as that of horses and draught-cattle, and also judge of the resistance of machines, and estimate the moving power you wish to apply to them; a potamometre, by which you can tell the force of running streams, and measure the currents of rivers.

Sur le Danube, deux journées au-dessous de Belgrade, le Turc possède ce château de Coulombach, qu'il a pris au despote. C'est encore une forte place, dit-on, quoique cependant il soit aisé de l'attaquer avec de l'artillerie et de lui fermer tout secours; ce-qui est un grand désavantage. Il y entretient cent fustes pour passer en Hongrie quand il lui plaît.