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Knowing that Frederick had witnessed Kocher perform the same operation in Berne and had repeatedly been successful with it himself, he called upon him for help. The patient was a native Yankee farmer, forty-five years of age. His son, a lad of nineteen, drove out in a sleigh to fetch Frederick. At the appointed time Frederick entered the office, very pale, but outwardly calm.

The aim is to remove all the disease with the least impairment of function and the minimum sacrifice of healthy tissue. The more open the method of operating the better, so that all parts of the joint may be available for inspection. The methods of Kocher, which permit of dislocating the joint, are specially to be recommended, as this procedure affords the freest possible access.

Here is a Monsieur Kocher, who passes for an authority, and who, describing the Arab marriage customs, talks of the 'brutalite du viol dans le marriage un drame lugubre. Now that comes of not examining things with one's own eyes. Since my arrival here I have already seen several Arab weddings and something of their married life, and I must say, candidly, that I find it full of romance.

Catgut. The following methods of preparing catgut have proved satisfactory: The gut is soaked in juniper oil for at least a month; the juniper oil is then removed by ether and alcohol, and the gut preserved in 1 in 1000 solution of corrosive sublimate in alcohol (Kocher). The gut is placed in a brass receiver and boiled for three-quarters of an hour in a solution consisting of 85

Schurig, Gynæcologia, pp. 280-387; Bloch, op. cit., 270-277. The Arabs, according to Kocher, chiefly practice bestiality with goats, sheep and mares. Among the Tamils of Ceylon bestiality with goats and cows is said to be very prevalent.

Theodore Kocher, performed the first excision of the thyroid gland in human beings for goitre, in the same year.

Although the operatic technic of removal of the thyroid gland for tumor has been greatly perfected by Billroth, Lucke, Julliard, Reverdin, Socin, Kocher, and others, the current opinion at the present day seems to be that complete extirpation of the thyroid gland, except for malignant disease, is unjustifiable.

The exposure of a sensitive brain to the naked possibility of death from a surgical operation may be compared to uncovering a photographic plate in the bright sunlight to inspect it before putting it in the camera. This principle explains, too, the physical influence of the physician or surgeon, who, by his PERSONALITY, inspires, like a Kocher, absolute confidence in his patient.