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"It is a pity you could not send missionaries to the States, you Thlinkits, my boy," said Mr. Strong, who had come up in time to hear Kalitan's words, "I'm afraid white people are less honest." "Teddy, do you know we are to have some hunting to-day, and that you'll get your first experience with a glacier." "Hurrah," shouted Ted, dancing up and down in excitement.

Strong were greatly surprised when they came home to see the huge carcass of Mr. Bruin, and they listened to the account of Kalitan's bravery. They had a great discussion as to whom the bear really belonged. Ted had found him, Kalitan had shot him first, and Chetwoof had killed him, so they decided to go shares.

"Well done, Ted, that duck was twins," cried his father, laughing, almost as excited as the boy himself, and they ran to pick up the birds. Kalitan smiled, too, and quietly picked up one, saying: "This one Kalitan's," showing, as he spoke, his arrow through the bird's side, for he had discharged an arrow as Ted fired his gun. "Too bad, Ted.

Chetwoof, hearing the noise, hurried out, and it was but a few moments before he was at Kalitan's side. To Ted it seemed like a day before he could get back and see what was happening, but he arrived on the scene in time to see Chetwoof despatch the animal. "Hurrah!" cried Ted. "You've killed a bear," but Chetwoof only grunted crossly.

He lay by the camp-fire one afternoon listening to Kalitan's tales of his island home, when his father came in from a long tramp, and, looking at him a little anxiously, asked: "What's the matter, son?" "Nothing, I'm only tired," said Ted, but Kalitan said: "Porcupine quills poison hand. Well in a few days." "So your live cactus is getting in his work, is he?

Our faces are turned homeward now, but we will have to come again next summer and bring mother and Judith." "I'll be glad to get home to mother again," said Ted, then noting Kalitan's wistful face, "We'll find you at Sitka and go home with you to the island," and he put his arm affectionately over the Indian boy's shoulder.

The osprey is his totem, and his face glares in our blankets and totems." "I've wondered what that fierce bird was," said Teddy, who was always quite carried away with Kalitan's strange legends. "Well, what else do we see on the way to Nome, father?"

He gave a sharp cry and then stood stock-still. The creature looked around and stood gnawing his fish and staring at Ted as stupidly as the boy stared at him. Then Ted heard a halloo behind him and Kalitan's voice: "Run for Chetwoof, quick!" Ted obeyed as the animal started to move off. He ran toward the camp, hearing the report of Kalitan's gun as he ran.

"The Kooshta comes sometimes," said Kalitan, "The Shaman used to cast him out, but now the white doctor can do it, unless the kooshta is too strong." Ted was puzzled as to Kalitan's exact meaning, but did not like to ask too many questions for fear of being impolite, so he only said: "Being sick is not very nice, anyhow." "To be bewitched is the most terrible," said Kalitan, gravely.

"Tyee much big chief," said Kalitan, and just then the old man's kiak drew near them, and he stepped ashore as calmly as though he had not just been through so exciting a scene with a mighty monster of the deep. Swift and even were the strokes of the paddles as the canoes sped over the water toward Kalitan's Island home.