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All the tame race of birds live and die as the wild do. As to the lesser articles, they are like the greater. They have followed the fortune of the season. Why are fowls dear? Was not this the farmer's or jobber's fault? I sold from my yard to a jobber six young and lean fowls for four-and-twenty shillings, fowls for which two years ago the same man would not have given a shilling apiece.

"But suppose the goods will not allow all this." "They must allow it if they are to be handled by the trade in a regular way, and they will always allow it if proportioned aright; but what I complain of is that so many manufacturers are unable to comprehend the jobber's position.

Even if he were not, there were two sets of profits between him and the making of the goods the jobber's profits and the manufacturer's. Years before this vital fact was impressed upon the minds of the floundering retailers, Field understood, and acted upon, it. He became his own manufacturer and jobber.

A man could never cheat or defy him openly without collecting a little war that left him surprised at the jobber's belligerency. The doubtful cases, those on the subtle line of indecision, found him weak. He could be so easily persuaded that he was in the wrong.

The sight of Radway's old scaler somehow filled him with a quiet but dangerous anger, especially since that official, on whom rested a portion at least of the responsibility of the jobber's failure, was now found in the employ of the very company which had attempted that failure. It looked suspicious. "Catch this line!" sung out the mate, hurling the coil of a handline on the wharf.

The retailer takes back everything a customer brings back for fear of losing that customer's trade. The jobber takes back from the retailer, knowing it is unjust, but he is afraid that any hesitancy on his part will damage his trade. And the poor devil of a manufacturer takes it off the jobber's hands and cannot help himself. There is a deuced lot of cowardice in business nowadays.

How mistaken this estimate is will appear, as we advance to something like a comprehensive survey of the dry-goods jobber's sphere. First, then, he is a buyer of all manner of goods, wares, and materials proper to his department in commerce. He is minutely informed in the history of raw materials.

And the jobber's problem is complicated by the folly, universally prevalent among buyers, of expecting some partiality or peculiarity of favor over their neighbors who are just as good as themselves.

Sally's eyes sparkled when she heard it, and her face grew hard. "That man!" she said. "Well, I guess I'll go right in to them." In another minute she opened the door, and answered the mortgage jobber's somewhat embarrassed greeting with a frigid stare.

After all, the grain was Wyllard's, and there was the difficulty that Wyllard might still come back, while if he failed to do this an absence of another few months would entitle his executors to presume him dead. In either case, Hawtrey would be required to account for his property. "No," he said, "I can't take that way." There was a trace of contempt in the mortgage jobber's smile.