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Senci sat with Ta-meri's head in her lap, and three or four drowsy little girls were tumbled about her feet. Only Io was wide awake, and even her sweet face wore a pensive air. Kenkenes had retired to the stern, where, under the high up-standing end, stood a long wooden bench.

Rivalry between the two geniuses inspired the musician to make an offer which he would hardly have granted to royalty itself. "After a time, when zese chatterers are gon-away, I shall play for you. Is zere some one here who can accompany properly?" Necessarily Io sent for Banneker to find out.

Are authority and compulsion then the only engines by which you can be moved? For shame, Theo. Do not give me reason to think so ill of you." She reformed. In her twelfth year, her father wrote: "Io triumphe! there is not a word misspelled either in your journal or letter, which cannot be said of one you ever wrote before."

The subjects of the bas-reliefs have been variously interpreted: they decorated, as the visitor will perceive by reference to the model, the four sides of a square shaft. Here the scene represented is supposed to be Juno holding a cup before the sacred cow Io, and Epaphus, Aphrodite, and the three Charites, which have been interpreted also as the three Seasons, and the Erinnyes or Furies.

Only when Ban thrust down the oar-blades, as he did now and again to direct their course or avoid some obstacle, was Io made sensible, through the jar and tremor of the whole structure, how swiftly they moved. She felt the spirit of the great motion, of which they were a minutely inconsiderable part, enter into her soul. She was inspired of it, freed, elated, glorified.

What, after all, is respectability but the brand of the formalist upon standardization? With the distaste and effort which Ban always felt in mentioning her husband's name to Io, he asked her one day about any possible danger from Eyre. "No," she said with assurance. "I owe Del nothing. That is understood between us."

Io snatched the book from the reader's hand and tossed it into a corner. "Sears-Roebuck are very tactless," she declared. "Everything they have to offer reminds one of home. What do you think of home, Ban? Home, as an abstract proposition. Home as the what-d'you-call-'em of the nation; the palladium no, the bulwark? Home as viewed by the homing pigeon?

"'Io perdei: l'augusta figlia A pagar, m'a condemnato; Ma s'e ver the a voi somiglia Tutto il moudo ha guadagnato." Her danger was over, she was a mother, and the attentions of disinterested friendship were no longer indispensable. She herself about this time met with a deep affliction.

Doubt not, thou shalt carry all the burden of jealousy and pain if thou dost. Divide this latter with him, and he shall be content to share more of the first with thee. But thou hast condemned him without trial, Io. Spare thy heart the hurt and wait." The young face cleared and with a little sigh she settled back in the chair and said no more. It was noon when the royal flotilla was sighted.

Banneker answered her smile with his own, as he resumed his dish-wiping. Io wrote out her telegram with care. Her next observation startled the agent. "Are you, by any chance, married?" "No; I'm not. What makes you ask that?" "There's been a woman in here before." Confusedly his thoughts flew back to Carlotta. But the Mexican girl had never been in the shack.