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From the Election Act of the Dominion of Canada. Mary and Martha were sisters, and one day they had a quarrel, which goes to show that sisters in Bible times were much the same as now. Mary and Martha had a different attitude toward life. Martha was a housekeeper she reveled in housecleaning she had a perfect mania for sweeping and dusting. Mary was a thinker.

And if things are as bad as they say I'd better tell you, even if I get into trouble doing it. I will, probably. Murder's nothing to them." "Who are 'them'?" "You get the police to search the Myers Housecleaning Company, in the Searing Building." "Don't you think you'd better tell me more than that? The police will want something definite to go on." She hesitated. "I don't know very much.

Anything that interrupts the ordinary flow of life, introduces into it, in short, a social cyclone that upsets everything for a fortnight, may in time be as hard to bear as that festival of housewives called housecleaning, that riot of cleanliness which men fear as they do a panic in business.

A genuine and truly effective housecleaning must start in the cells and must be brought about through the initiative of the vital energies in the organism, through healing crises, and not through stimulation by means of poisonous irritants.

My Filipino servant, named Romoldo, whom I had dubbed "The Magnificent," was set to work cleaning up my prospective dwelling; and I went out and secured the services of a trooper of the Tenth Cavalry to supplement the deficiencies in Romoldo's housecleaning instincts by some American brawn and muscle.

"Dear Lord," thought Durtal, "how hast thou answered my prayers! Come on, let's go over to your place," he said to Des Hermies, who, finding Rateau's key in the door, had walked in. "Righto! since your housecleaning isn't done yet, descend like a god from your clouds of dust, and come on over to the house." On the way Durtal recounted his concierge's conjugal misadventure.

Owing to him, too, was a new central office, with some one on duty day and night. Rather ironically, the new quarters were the dismantled rooms of the Myers Housecleaning Company. On the day after his proposal to Edith, Willy Cameron received an unexpected holiday. Mrs. Davis, the invalid wife of the owner of the Eagle Pharmacy, died and the store was closed.

They got the two clerks, and a half-dozen foreigners, too. And that's all they got." "They won't talk?" "Talk? Sure they'll talk. They say they're employed by the Myers Housecleaning Company, that they never saw the inside of the vault, and they're squealing louder than two pigs under a gate about false arrest. They'll have to let them go, son. Here. You can do most everything.

There was too much to do in completing the housecleaning task to spend either breath, or time, in discussing Beatrice Severn and her impudent tongue. A steady "rap, rap, rapping" from the back lawn told the story of Neale and the parlor rugs. "There!" cried Ruth, suddenly, from the top of the stepladder, where she was wiping the upper shelves in the dining-room china closet.

The mucous membranes of stomach and bowels are called upon to assist in the work of housecleaning; hence the coated tongue, lack of appetite, digestive disturbances, nausea, biliousness, sour stomach, fermentation, flatulence and occasionally vomiting and purging.