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"That means I were senator state senator which makes any common man honer'ble, accordin' to law, which it's useless to dispute. I were elected fer this deestric', which covers three counties," he said proudly, "an' I served my country in that capacity." "Oh, I see. But you're not state senator now?" "No; Kleppish beat me for the nomination, after I'd served only one term." "Why?" "Eh?

"And you and 'Kit' you and Duke Jabe, leave you alone to run a fair wouldn't have northin' but his new exhibition hall filled with croshayed tidies and hooked rugs." "Well, I move," broke in Trustee Dunham, "that we git som'ers. I'm personally in favor of pleasin' Honer'ble Bickford and takin' the exhibition hall." "That's right!

"This is very interesting, I'm sure," remarked Patsy; "but our paper doesn't go much into local politics, Mr. Boglin, and I'm very busy to-day." "Honer'ble Ojoy Boglin," he said, correcting her; but he did not take the hint to leave. Patsy picked up her pencil as if to resume her work, while he eyed her with a countenance baffled and uncertain.

"When you say that the Honer'ble J. Percival Bickford has stolen " "Well, promoted gold-mines, then! It's only more words to say the same thing. And he's back here spendin' his loose change for daily doses of hair-oil talk fetched to him by the beggin' old suckers of this place."

"I want you as foreman to call out the Ancient and Honer'ble Firemen's Association and have 'em surround them woods, and we'll take him." "We will, hey?" demanded Hiram, pushing back his plug hat and squinting angrily. "What do you think that firemen's association is for, anyway?" "Never knew it to do anything but eat free picnics and give social dances," retorted the Cap'n.

"Take you down into the village square, and, as foreman of the Ancient and Honer'ble Firemen's Association, I'll ring the bell and call out the department, stand you up in front of them all in your flounces fine, and tell 'em what you've been doin' to their chief. I guess all the heavy work of gettin' even with you will be taken off'm my hands after that." Reeves groaned.

"When I came home to Palermo a year ago or so, after all my wanderin's, they wouldn't elect me so much as hog-reeve seemed to be down on me all 'round. But here heard what they did last night?" There was pride in his tones. "They elected me foreman of the Smyrna Ancient and Honer'ble Firemen's Association." "And you let 'em hornswoggle you into takin' it?" demanded the Cap'n.

President Kitchen let loose the hasp that held up the drop-door and fairly "pegged" Mr. Todd out of sight. He grinned apologetically at a furious Mr. Bickford. "Order the marshal to call the hosses for the thirty-four trot, Honer'ble," he directed, anxious to give the starter something to do to take his mind off present matters. Mr.

"The Honer'ble Ojoy, if you please," answered Patsy, with a laugh that bordered on hysteria. The hardware man nodded, his eyes reading her face. "You were quite right to turn him down," he asserted. "It was the only thing to do," responded the girl, wondering how he knew. "But Boglin is a dangerous man," resumed West. "Look out for him. Miss Doyle."

It's honer'ble, it's stiddy. Leave your money where it is, take my place, and keep this job in the family." The two men were talking in a little cottage at the end of a long covered bridge. A painted board above the door heralded the fact that the cottage was the toll-house, and gave the rates of toll.