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He didn't have his duster onto him, but his stove-pipe hat was, and one of them long Prince Alferd coats nearly to his knees, and shiny shoes, but his vest was cut out holler fur to show his biled shirt, and it was the pinkest shirt I ever see, and in the middle of that they was a diamond as big as Uncle Pat Hickey's wen, what was one of the town sights.

This thing began in Hickey's saloon some days before that night. He was playing some fellows from the camp a skin game. I called him down and he challenged me. I took him up, and cleaned him out easily enough. You know my old weakness. The fever came back upon me, and I got going for some days. That night I was called to visit a sick girl at Nancy's.

Before I found it, I heard through the window Father Hickey's voice, saying, "I wouldn't for ten pounds that this had happened, Phil. He's as mad as a march hare. The Cardinal told me so." I returned to my lodging, and took a cold bath to cleanse the blood from my neck and shoulder.

The stock, including that of the ranch party, which Hickey's sharp eyes had discovered, was left in charge of some of Ramon's mestizos at the mesa. As ill-luck would have it, almost the first thing that greeted their eyes when they emerged from the tunnel was the sight of the old Mexican whom Jack had bound and set adrift.

After a while he gives me the slip 'nd I chases down here, waitin' for him to turn up. Coming down on the car I buys this paper 'nd sees the pictures, and then I'm on. See?" "Uh-huh," grunted the patrolman, scowling at Maitland. The cabby caressed his nose with a soiled forefinger reflectively, plainly a bit prejudiced by Hickey's exposition.

When a letter arrived in France some months ago addressed only to 'Hickey's Hut, France, it reached its destination toute de suite, forty-eight hours after it arrived. "The French climate has hit our boys hard. It is wet and penetratingly cold. Goes right to the marrow, and three suits of underwear are no protection against it.

Simultaneously with Hickey's attack, Nancy, shrieking "Kill him! kill him!" flew at Shock, and fastening her fingers in his hair dragged his head downward. Taking advantage of this attack a man from the crowd rushed in and struck him a heavy blow on the neck, and as he was falling kicked him full in his face.

A face appeared at the apron, Hickey's, red and moon-like and not lacking in complacency: for the man counted of profiting variously by this night's work. "Excuse me, Mr. Maitland, 'nd" touching the rim of his derby "yeh, too, ma'am, f'r buttin' in " "Hickey!" demanded Maitland suddenly, in a tone of smoldering wrath, "what the what do you want?" "Yeh told me tuh call round to-morrow, yeh know.

"I have been wanting to speak to you about a matter," the Sergeant said, with some degree of hesitation, "Hickey's friends are saying nasty things about you." "What do you mean?" said The Don, knowing only too well. "About the hospital funds, you know. In fact, they are saying " At this point the nurse came running in. "Mr.

When the lads returned from training camp or the trenches, wet, cold, hungry and despondent, they found a welcome in 'Hickey's Hut. "Not a patronizing, holier-than-thou, we-know-we-are-doing-a-good-work- and-hope-you-doughboys-appreciate-it sort of a welcome, but a good old Salvation Army, Bowery Mission welcome, such as Tim Sullivan knew how to hand out in the old days.