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I know WHO AND WHAT I AM. That uplifts me whenever I meet the sneaky, sly suspicions of these Basin people. It shows me the difference between them and me. That's what I glory in." "Ellen, you're a wild, headstrong child," rejoined the old man, in severe tones. "Word has been passed ag'in' your good name your honor.... An' hevn't you given cause fer thet?"

Rebecca said no more, but her set lips and puckered forehead spoke much of displeasure as she stalked across to the state-rooms. "Well, I declare to goodness!" she cried, as she opened her door. "Ye hevn't even opened the window to air the rooms!" Phoebe looked quite miserable at thought of her remissness, but Copernicus came bravely to the rescue.

Ef I've got to die a violent death, give me a good, honest bullet ev'ry time. You hevn't seen the Sioux at work with lances, hev you, young William?" "No, Tom." "Well, I hev. They fight with 'em, o' course, an' they hev a whole code o' signals with 'em, too.

"Pat, we've been given the honor of pace-makers. They've got to keep up with us. Come on," replied Neale. "Be gad! there ain't a mon in the gang phwat'll trade fer me honor, thin," declared Pat. "Fri'nd, I'd loike to live till next pay-day," "Come on, then, work up an appetite," rejoined Neale. "Shure I'll die.... An' I'd loike to ask, beggin' ye're pardon, hevn't ye got some Irish in ye?"

It'll be a mean job, fur these teachers hevn't the spunk of a coyote, an' ten to one he won't hev no shootin' irons, so the job'll hev to be done with fists." "Good!" said Mose. "The crowd drinks with me to a square job, and no backin'. Chuck the pasteboards, jedge The dickens!" For Mose had got first Jack. "Square job, and no backin'," said the judge, with a grin.

If I can get him, Gene Steward is the cowboy I want fer my foreman. He can manage this bunch of cow-punchers thet are drivin' me dotty. What's more, since he's fought fer the rebels an' got that name El Capitan, all the Greasers in the country will kneel to him. Now, Miss Majesty, we hevn't got rid of Don Carlos an' his vaqueros yet. To be sure, he sold you his house an' ranch an' stock.

I beg your pardon; I thought perhaps the snow might throw you off the track. 'Throw me off th' track, an' on these moors and o'? Nowe, Mr. Penrose, I hevn't lived on 'em forty years for naught, I con tell yo'. 'But when you cannot see your way, what then? 'Then I walks by instink.

"Hevn't ye noticed a right-smart change in Samson?" inquired old Caleb Wiley of a neighbor, in his octogenarian quaver. "The boy hes done got es quiet an' pious es a missionary." The other nodded under his battered black felt hat, and beat a tattoo with the end of his long hickory staff. "He hain't drunk a half-pint of licker to-day," he querulously replied.

Outside, at the pump, a lounging hostler, who had been bribed to keep a sharp lookout for a Shaker wagon, whistled and waited too. "Tell you what," said Hiram, bolting a goodly rouleau of ham and eggs, "I've got an idee. You and me might shilly-shally here on this road all day, and what surety shall we hev' that they hevn't gone by the other road. Old gal said there was two?"

"Miss Herne is beautiful, let me congratulate you in Western fashion." The old man did not hide his sneer. Holmes bowed. "I thank you, for her." Lois held the candle to light the Doctor out of the long passages. "Yoh hevn't seen Barney out 't Mr. Howth's, Doctor? He's ther' now." "No. When shall you have done waiting on this man, Lois? God help you, child!" Lois's quick instinct answered,