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To this date belongs a short correspondence between Agassiz and Oswald Heer. Heer's work on the Fossil Flora of the Arctics had recently appeared, and a presentation copy from him reached Agassiz as he was slowly regaining strength after his illness, although still confined to the house.

I warrant ile fitt ye. I pray forgive me, Sir. Bar. Most hartely, And heer's my hand. I love thee, too: thy physick Will quickly purge me from the worldes abuses. When I speak lowdest, strike. Exec. I shall observe ye. Bar.

"I 'lowed they wus mixed; ef my ole woman knowed I'd tuck a poke uv 'er best goose feathers ter dab on a man she'd get a divorce." Two or three laughed behind their masks. Another laugh went round as a short figure returned from the bushes with a bucket of tar which had been left near the road-side. "Heer's yore gumstickum."

At one time a sloop passing the Dunderberg had nearly foundered, when the crew discovered the sugar-loaf hat of the Heer at the mast-head. None dared to climb for it, and it was not until she had driven past Pollopel's Island the limit of the Heer's jurisdiction that she righted.

"It b'longed to the sutler at the Fort: for yee see, capting, as we left theere for a leetle bit o' a hurry, I couldn't lay my claws on my own ole forage-cap; so I took the hat in its place? an' thet's how I kim by the thing. But heer's a hat perhaps, mister, this heer'll pleeze ye better? Will it, eh?"

It may, however, be inferred that he looks upon "natural selection" as a real, but insufficient cause; while some curious remarks upon the number of monstrosities annually produced, and the possibility of their enduring, may be regarded as favorable to Heer's view.

And heer's your old little bedroom, see, Mas'r Davy! A'most as bleak tonight, as 'art could wish! In truth, the wind, though it was low, had a solemn sound, and crept around the deserted house with a whispered wailing that was very mournful. Everything was gone, down to the little mirror with the oyster-shell frame.

Before the appearance of Heer's work on the Miocene Flora of Switzerland, Unger and Goppert had already pointed out the large proportion of living North American genera which distinguished the vegetation of the Miocene period in Central Europe.

Let's feele your Raizors: Handsawes, meere handsawes! Do you put your knees to'em too, And take mens necks for timber? You cutt a feather? Cut butter when your tooles are hot! Looke here, puppies; Heer's the sword that cutt of Pompeis head. Har. The head of a Pumpion. Utr. Looke on't but come not neere it: the very wind on't Will borrow a leg or an arme. Heers touch & take, boyes!

That they should frequently have fallen into errors was unavoidable, but it is remarkable, especially if we inquire into the history of Professor Heer's researches, how often early conjectures as to the genus and family founded on the leaves alone were afterwards confirmed when fuller information was obtained.