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Let him that goeth to the East tell them that shall be converted to flee to the West." Thither Halsey was sent, having commands to preach by the way. At Halsey's wayside meetings the old hymns and the old tunes were sung. The new doctrine embraced all that was supposed to be alive in the old; it repudiated only what was supposed to be dead.

It ain't easy, Mrs. Halsey I hope in your thoughts when judgin' of me you'll always remember that it ain't easy to be a prophet." When he had gone, Susannah found herself laughing, but for Halsey's sake the laughter was akin to tears. Ohio was being quickly settled.

And hardly seeing her, as I could guess, that great Mis' Amanda went forward, holding out her arms. "Delia More!" she cried, "Delia More!" I saw Abel Halsey's pale, luminous face as he pushed past Timothy and strode within and crossed to her; and I remember Abigail Arnold and Mis' Holcomb-that-was-Mame-Bliss, and how they followed Abel with little sharp cries which must have been a kind of music.

The girl flushed with confusion as the men roared over her blunder. "One of the girls told me Mr. Cavanagh had killed a man," she explained. "Where is he?" Lize betrayed annoyance. "They say he's taking supper at Mike Halsey's, though why he didn't come here I don't see. What's he going to do?" she asked. "Won't the marshal take the men off his hands?"

For one awful moment I thought the house was on fire, and every drop of blood in my body gathered around my heart; then I knew. It was the engine of the automobile, and Halsey had come back. Hope sprang up afresh. Halsey's clear head and Gertrude's intuition might do what Liddy's hysteria and three detectives had failed in. After a time I thought I had been right.

When he thus smiled, Susannah in those days trusted him absolutely, avowed herself entirely to his service, and felt within her heart a large measure of affection. Halsey's was the first case of illness in the newly-formed sect that called itself already "The Church of Christ."

Halsey sat on the rail with a pipe, openly watching Louise, as she looked broodingly across the valley to the hills. There was something baffling in the girl's eyes; and gradually Halsey's boyish features lost their glow at seeing her about again, and settled into grim lines. He was like his father just then. We sat until late afternoon, Halsey growing more and more moody.

His words conveyed less of battle than his tone. He was, in fact, urging a revolt, and Cavanagh knew it. Gregg rose as if to comply. The ranger stopped him. "Keep your seat," said he. And to Ballard he warningly remarked: "And you keep away from my prisoners." "Do you own this saloon?" retorted the fellow, truculently. "I reckon Halsey's customers have some rights. What are you doing here, anyway?

At last Lee discerned her mother returning from Halsey's, followed by three men. Withdrawing from the little porch whereon she had been standing, she reentered the house to meet her mother in the hall. "Where is Mr. Cavanagh?" she asked. "Out in the dining-room. You see, Mike Halsey is no kind o' use.

But instead of vague terrors there was now the real fear that he might be lying in some strange hospital receiving the casual attention commonly given to the charity cases. Even this, had we known it, would have been paradise to the terrible truth. I wake yet and feel myself cold and trembling with the horror of Halsey's situation for three days after his disappearance. Mr.