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Our captain hail'd the Frenchman, `Ho! The Frenchman then cried out `Hullo! `Bear down, d'ye see, to our Admiral's lee. `No, no, says the Frenchman; `that can't be. `Then I must lug you along with me, Says the saucy Arethusa! "The fight was off the Frenchman's land. We forced them back upon their strand, For we fought till not a stick would stand Of the gallant Arethusa.

Then looking round, with anxious eye, to meet, The broad impression of his charger's feet, The track he hail'd, and following, onward prest. While grief and hope alternate filled his breast. O'er vale and wild-wood led, he soon descries. The regal city's shining turrets rise. And when the Champion's near approach is known, The usual homage waits him to the throne.

The lover's refuge, and the Lesbian's grave. But when he saw the evening star above Leucadia's far-projecting rock of woe, And hail'd the last resort of fruitless love, He felt, or deem'd he felt, no common glow; And as the stately vessel glided slow Beneath the shadow of that ancient mount, He watch'd the billows' melancholy flow, And, sunk albeit in thought as he was wont More placid seem'd his eye, and smooth his pallid front.

And those children, whose birth with such rapture was hail'd, When the holiest feelings of nature prevail'd, And the bright drops that moisten'd the father's glad cheek Could alone the deep transport of happiness speak; When he turn'd from his first-born with glances of pride, In grateful devotion to gaze on his bride, The loved and the loving, who, silent with joy, Alternately gazed from the sire to his boy.

A nearer voice hail'd in answer. "Where's Reuben?" "Coming, Captain close behind!" "Curse him for a loitering idiot! We've wasted time enough, as 'tis," called back the Captain. "How in thunder is a man to find the road out of this cursed wood?" "Straight on, Cap'n you can't miss it," shouted another voice, not two gunshots below. A volcano of oaths pour'd up from Settle.

These two vessels having caught twenty-two walrus, were met by some English vessels bound to Russia, who hail'd them, and demanded whether they had pasports from the King of Great Britain to fish at Greenland? The Dutchmen answered, that the Sea was free, and they had pasports from Count Maurice their Stadtholder.

I prayed for children and thought barrenness In wedlock a reproach; I gain'd a son And such a son as all men hail'd me happy. Who would be now a father in my stead? Oh, wherefore did God grant me my request, And as a blessing with such pomp adorn'd Why are His gifts desirable, to tempt Our earnest prayers, then giv'n with solemn hand As graces, draw a scorpion's tail behind?

"If during the Voyage any particularity is hapned or seen. 8. "If not any ships in Sea, or the Streights of Sunda have seen or Hail'd in, and which. 9. "If any other News worth Attention at the place from whence the Ship lastly departed or during the vogage is hapned. "Batavia in the Castle, the By Order of the Governor General and the Counselors of India. "J. BRANDER BUNGL, Sect."

Within that room the Bird of Love The whole affair had eyed then; The monarch hail'd the royal dove, And placed her by his side then: What mirth amidst the Loves was seen! 'Long live, they cried, 'our King and Queen. Ah! Lesbia, would that thrones were mine, And crowns to deck that brow, love! And yet I know that heart of thine For me is throne enow, love!

If it was the destiny of the War of 1812 to weld the nation as a union, the spirit of the consummation was expressed for all time in the lines which a hundred million of free people sing today: O! say can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?