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Father followed him clean down to the gate, and says he, "minister, we had'nt time this hitch, or I'd a told you all about the 'EVAKYATION' of New York, but I'll tell you that the next time we meet." No. Setting up for Governor.

I never could have believed it if I had'nt seen it with my own eyes!" "Now, Mr. Hand, you'll make me vain, if you don't stop," laughed Will. "You wouldn't think Baizley was just nowhere if you could have seen Will's face when he came home that morning," interrupted Ted. But Mr. Hand was now on the track he had laid down for himself, and would not be switched off.

I'll teach you to talk that way, you puppy you, said he, of that glorious day; and he fetched me a wipe that I do believe if I had'nt a dodged, would have spoiled my gunnin for that hitch; so I gave him a wide birth arter that all day. Well, the next time I missed, says I, she hung fire so everlastinly, its no wonder and the next miss, says I, the powder is no good, I vow.

Now the Blue Noses are like that are gall; they have grown up, and grown up in ignorance of many things they had'nt ought not to know; and its as hard to teach grown up folks as it is to break a six year old horse; and they do ryle one's temper so they act so ugly that it tempts one sometimes to break their confounded necks its near about as much trouble as its worth.

Bundercombe was obviously disappointed. "Say, is that so!" he exclaimed, "Why, I thought he was a fixture! Been here a long time, had'nt he?" "Nearly twelve years," Luigi admitted. "Has he got a restaurant of his own?" Mr. Bundercombe asked. Luigi shook his head. "On the contrary, sir," he replied, "I think Louis has gone off his head.

At last, Bill could stand it no longer; he let go his hold and roared like a bull, and clapping both hands ahind him, he out of the door like a shot. If it had'nt been for them are spurs, I guess Bill would have saved the hangman a job of Nabb that time. The Clockmaker was an observing man, and communicative.

Says father, says he, what a blockhead you be, Sam, that's your own fault, they were too far off, you had'nt ought to have fired so soon. At Bunker's hill we let the British come right on till we seed the whites of their eyes, and then we let them have it slap bang.

"Burn your granny out, Nutcrackers; look at them logs well, and say if it would'nt take hell-fire itself to burn 'em through in a month, but corporal, had'nt we better divide the ammunition. We don't know, as Cass says, what the imps are about, and what trouble they may give us yet." "Right, Green, there's nothing like being on the sure side, and so, my lads look to the pouches.

Say to it, said Dennis, did you ever hear what Tim Doyle said when be was going to be hanged for stealing a pig' says he, if the pig had'nt squeeled in the bag I'd never have been found out, so I would'nt so I'll take warning by Tim Doyle's fate, I say nothing, let him prove it. Here Mr.

That are constable was een almost strangled t'other day; and if he had'nt had a little grain more wit than his master, I guess he'd had his wind-pipe stopped as tight as a bladder. There is an outlaw of a feller here, for all the world like one of our Kentucky Squatters, one Bill Smith a critter that neither fears man nor devil.