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Did it once!" "You are right," says Mr. George. "What college," pursues Bagnet, "could you set up in life with two penn'orth of white lime a penn'orth of fuller's earth a ha'porth of sand and the rest of the change out of sixpence in money? That's what the old girl started on. In the present business." "I am rejoiced to hear it's thriving, Mat." "The old girl," says Mr.

We slave at our desks, in our workshops, to make a home for those we love; we give up our pleasures, we give up our rest. We toil in our kitchen from morning till night, and we render the whole feast tasteless for want of a ha'porth of salt for want of a soupcon of amiability, for want of a handful of kindly words, a touch of caress, a pinch of courtesy.

Well, ye may aisily think they had plinty to talk about, afther seven years without once seein' one another; and so signs on, the time flew by as swift an' as pleasant as a bird on the wing, an' the sun wint down, an' the moon shone sweet an' soft instead, an' they two never knew a ha'porth about it, but kept talkin' an' whisperin', an' whisperin' an' talkin'; for it's wondherful how often a tinder-hearted girl will bear to hear a purty boy tellin' her the same story constant over an' over; ontil at last, sure enough, they heerd the ould man himself comin' up the boreen, singin' the 'Colleen Rue' a thing he never done barrin' whin he had a dhrop in; an' the misthress walkin' in front iv him, an' two illigant Kerry cows he just bought in the fair, an' the sarvint boys dhriving them behind.

"Not like your splendiferous kit now," observed Sails, the sail-maker, with a nudge in Jorrocks' ribs to point the joke the cook's gear in the way of raiment being none of the best. "No, not a ha'porth ov it," proceeded the Irishman, taking no notice of the sarcastic allusion to his wardrobe.

The young man withdrew, carefully closing the door, around which Sir Henry, with a word of apology, arranged a screen. "I don't think," he explained, "that eavesdropping extends to these premises, or that our voices could reach outside. Still, a ha'porth of prevention, eh? Have a cigar, Horridge." "I'm not smoking for a day or two, thank you, sir."

This great stroke of good luck that had seemed about to fall into their laps had been thrust aside by an act or series of acts of wanton paltry folly. The good ship had been lost for the sake of the traditional ha'porth of tar.

We can discuss terms later. Under the present regime I have been doing all the work in exchange for a happy home. I suppose you won't want to spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar? In other words, you would sooner have a happy, well-fed editor running about the place than a broken-down wreck who might swoon from starvation?" "But one moment," said Roland.

"No, I don't want a girl, and don't know anyone as does," said the woman sharply; then turned away, not well pleased that this girl was no buyer of an honest bundle of wood, a ha'porth of treacle, or a half-ounce of one-and-four tea; for out of the profits of such small transactions she had to maintain herself and children.

Then again, the memory of the half-crowns, and the village talk and Watson would close upon her, putting her in a cold sweat. When would Isaac come? Who would tell him? As she looked forward to the effect upon him, all her muscles stiffened. If he drove her to it, aye, she would tell him she didn't care a ha'porth, she vowed. If he must have it, let him.

M'Ruen's little front parlour, where he had to wait for fifteen minutes, while his patron made such a breakfast as generally falls to the lot of such men. We can imagine the rancid butter, the stale befingered bread, the ha'porth of sky-blue milk, the tea innocent of China's wrongs, and the soiled cloth. Mr.