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But me lord, the butler, eyed me with questioning curiosity. "Aw me lad, h'and where did your father get 'is blooming costume?" he asked. "Mother supplied it, good sir," I answered. "Hi say, me lad," he laughed, "your mother h'is a grand lydie, you tike me word for h'it; h'in h'England they would decorate that suit with the h'order h'of the garter!" "Honi soit, qui mal y pense!" I lisped.

"Oh, ye're right, lady," he panted, "the 'ospital was founded by Robert Dudley, Lord Leicester, 'e 'o was much at Elizabeth's court, h'as you all know. And it's a descendant h'of 'is, or of 'is sister, as you may say, 'o 'as the right to appoint the master 'ere in this 'ospital to this day.

"Yes, Miss Milbrey, she's confined to her room h'account h'of a cold, miss." "Thank heaven!" "Yes, miss certainly! will you go h'up to her?" "And Mutterchen, dear, it was a regular bombshell," she concluded after she had fluttered some of the November freshness into Mrs. Van Geist's room, and breathlessly related the facts. "You demented creature! I should say it must have been."

The mud's no respecter h'of an H'english gentleman nor h'an American millionaire, don'cher know?" and the pompous Mr. Devonshire handed his hand-grip to Job, while he poked out his shoes for the gray-haired lackey to wipe, with an "'Ere, you, clean these feet, bloomin' quick!" Job and Tony obeyed, but a significant look passed between them.

H'are you closely h'intimated with the mistress? I smiled. 'No, I cannot say that, I answered, 'but I hope to be soon. He shook his head doubtfully. 'She's no h'ordinary female. Hi'm no great lover of the weaker sex, but hi'll say this for Miss Helen, h'and I've known her from the time I took her h'out h'on her first pony, she's a deal more sensibility than many h'of h'us men!

As the three stood apart they were joined by the undersized Englishman, who touched his hat to them with a show of great respect. "Young gentlemen," he inquired, "h'I suppose, h'of course, you've 'ad a look h'at the anchor h'of Sir Francis Drake's flagship, the time 'e went h'out h'and sank the great Spanish h'Armada?" "Why, no, my friend," replied Dave, looking at the man with interest.