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"Now, now! I can't understand a word. Who are you?" "H'Allan, mistress." "You say some one is ill?" "Oh yes, he is very h'ill h'indeed, mistress h'all covered with blood and his poor 'ands h'all cut." "Who ?" "And his 'ead oh, Lard! His 'ead is cut, too, and he suffers a fever." "Mr. h'Auntony " "Anthony!" Mrs. Cortlandt started. "What has happened? Quick!"

The boy, it seemed, appropriated to himself the entire credit for the happy ending of this affair. "It will be a grand wedding, sar," he exclaimed. "H'Allan will be there for giving you away." "You don't know enough about me to give me away," Kirk returned, lightly. "I shall be needing some h'expensive garments for the ceremony. I would h'ahsk you to be so kind " "Not too fast.

He clashed his white teeth, he rolled his eyes fearfully, and twisted his black features into the wildest expressions of ferocity, crying: "H'Allan will best them for that! Let 'im tear h'out their 'earts by his fingers. So!" He made an eloquent gesture. "Blood! Blood!" "Not so loud. A little pianissimo on the blood," smiled Kirk.

DON'T LEAVE THIS SPOT, no matter what happens. Does that penetrate your teakwood dome? Does your ivory cue-ball encompass that thought?" "I shall watch this h'apartment carefully, never fear." "But I do fear. I'm scared to death. My hands are go cold they are brittle. Remember, when I knock, so, let me in instantly, and keep your wits about you." "H'Allan never fails, sar.

"Praise God, you h'appear like a gentleman." "I trust this little experience will not permanently affect my social standing. By-the-way, what is your name?" "H'Allan." "Hallan?" "No, sar. H'Allan." "Is that your first or last name?" "Both, sar h'Allan h'Allan." "Mr. Allan Allan, you're unusually dark for a Scotchman," said Kirk, gravely.

H'Allan will discover your female." "And don't call her a 'female, it sounds indecent. Remember, she has a Bajan with her, six feet tall, named Stephanie. Who knows? Maybe you can win Stephanie for yourself." Kirk chuckled at the thought. "No, sar, if you please. Those Bajan 'oomen is all very disagreeable."

"H'Allan would die and kill himself for you," the excited negro ran on in an excess of loyalty. "Master h'Auntony fought those wretches for I; I shall fight them for he."