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Off to Carnarvon I goes, an' every futt o' the way I walks Lor' bless your soul, there worn't a better pair o' pins nowheres than Meg Gudgeon's then, afore the water got in 'em an' bust 'em; an' I got to Llanbeblig churchyard early one mornin', and there I seed the pore half-sharp gal. So you see I comed by 'er 'onest enough, p'leaceman, though she worn't ezzackly my own darter.

I knocked at the first door once or twice before an answer came, and then a tiny girl with the face of a woman opened it. "Is there a beggar-girl living here?" I asked. "No," answered the child in a sharp, querulous voice. "You mean Meg Gudgeon's gal wot sings and does the rainy-night dodge. She lives next house." And the child slammed the door in my face.

Had he long iron-grey hair, and was he dressed dressed, like a like a shiny Quaker? So full was my mind of Mrs. Gudgeon's story that I was positively using her language. 'Like a what? exclaimed Winnie. 'Really, Henry, you have become very eccentric since our parting.

Billy Howell, my fireman, and a good one, hastily went over the boiler-jacket with signal oil, to prevent rust; we donned our gum coats; I dropped a little oil on the "Mary Ann's" gudgeon's, and we proceeded on our way without a word. On these big consolidators you cannot see well ahead, past the big boiler, from the cab, and I always ran with my head out of the side window.

Of Gudgeon's two books I much prefer the Reminiscences, which on the whole tell more about the war than any other volume one can name. Sir John Gorst describes the King Movement and his own experiences in the King's country. Swainson takes up his parable against the Waitara purchase.

'Scepticism, the curse of the age, said Wilderspin. I heard Cyril say, 'Who could have thought it would turn out so? But you yourself had told me, Wilderspin, of Mother Gudgeon's injunction not to ask the girl who her father was, and of course it had upon me the opposite effect the funny hag had intended it to have upon you.

Beer I ain't fond on, and it 'ud take a rare swill o' beer to get up as far as Meg Gudgeon's head." 'There ain't much fault to be found with a woman like Meg Gudgeon, said Sinfi. 'Was the Beauty fond o' her? She ought to ha' bin. 'She used to call her Knocker, said the girl. 'She seemed very fond of her when they were together, but seemed to forget her as soon as they were apart.