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Here are some typically mispronounced English sentences: "If Maria has seben fencils and see loses sree, see will hab four fencils left, and if her moser gibs her eight fencils, see will hab twel' fencils in all." Here is another: "Pedro has a new fair of voots." Another: "If one fint ob binegar costs fi' cents, sree fints will cost sree times fi' cents, or fikteen cents."

Dey'm been fixin' up de house 'spressly for you all dese long years, and dey'be got it all nice and comfible now. Yas, my frens, glory be to Him, dat's what our Heabenly massa say, and who ob you wouldn't hab sich a massa as dat? a massa dat don't set you no hard tasks, and dat gibs you 'nuff to eat, and time to rest and to sing and to play.

"Geo'giana," she said, "if you gibs way, or speaks, or trembles, or busts up in any way, I grips you by de neck, as I once did before, an' shobes you along wid scolds and whacks so you look out!" "Anxiety for my darling father will be a much more powerful restraint, Sally, than your threats," replied the poor girl.

But massa, he not like to gib her up, and dey talk a long time togeder, and I hears de trader say, 'de gal should square off all de old affair, wid five hundred to boot; till by and by massa gibs in, and de bargain was closed, bery much to de satisfaction ob both parties.

Ef he wuz ter go ter heben an' foun' dat he couldn't borry some angel's harp, he wouldn't stay dar. I 'spize ter see er pusson all de time wantin' suthin'." "You don't borrow, do you?" Tom asked, and he answered: "Who, me? No, suh. I earns all I gits ef not befo', afterwards. Jest ez sho ez er pusson gibs me suthin' I gwine earn it."

Instead of crumbling red walls, the courts and apartments are highly ornamented with what we now call plaster-of-Paris, but which the Moors have long prepared by roasting the gypsum in rude kilns, calling it "gibs."

After some minutes it burst open and "Gibs," who had carefully laid the gander down outside, staggered into the room, appearing to be very drunk and brandishing a knife, which he had rubbed against the fowl's bleeding neck.

She got quality blood in her vein, shuah, but habn't got neah 'nuff. Heah's de 'terial wat gibs hope sometimes better'n preachin," and she whipped out the steak and prepared it for the broiler. Then she clapped some potatoes into the oven, threw together the constituents of light biscuit, and put the coffee over the fire.

The Count of Longueville seconded him in his negotiation; as did the Count of Mortaigne, Odo, Bishop of Baieux, and especially William Fitz-Osborne, Count of Breteuil, and constable of the duchy. Introd. ad Britan. p. 212. 2nd edit. Gibs.

To one man who had ridiculed the general helplessness of woman, her needing to be assisted into carriages and to be given the best place everywhere, she said, "Nobody eber helped me into carriages, or ober mud puddles, or gibs me any best place"; and raising herself to her full height, with a voice pitched like rolling thunder, she asked, "And a'n't I a woman? Look at me. Look at my arm."