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When he came up close, he took off his hat and made a bow. 'Chentlemen of the roat, I salude you, he says. 'You haf kebt your bromise to the letter, and you will fint that Albert von Schiller has kept his.

Here are some typically mispronounced English sentences: "If Maria has seben fencils and see loses sree, see will hab four fencils left, and if her moser gibs her eight fencils, see will hab twel' fencils in all." Here is another: "Pedro has a new fair of voots." Another: "If one fint ob binegar costs fi' cents, sree fints will cost sree times fi' cents, or fikteen cents."

"You don't know his address?" "No, I heart he was livin' mit your sister Kate." "Donahue's in a saloon, I reckon." "Always. He tondt know nodding else. You can fint him in the directory Chon Donahue, barkeep." "All right. Much obleeged." Haney looked around. "I don't suppose any of the boys are livin' here now?" "Von or two.

Der hole dot you hef made in der grount, among your frients and your family, vos covered up alretty. You are loocky if you vill not fint some vellars shtanding upon id! My frent, ven you vos DINK det, SHTAY det, BE det, and you vill lif happy!" "But your sweetheart?" I said eagerly. A slight gleam of satire stole into Rutli's light eyes.