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"But," said Dudley, who until now had listened silently to this discussion, "the Bible speaks of wanderers from the fold. No doubt Jake is a wandering sheep." "Maybe he is," Mrs. Rogers agreed; "but, ef so, he looks an' acts so lak a goat thet the angel Gabr'el hisse'f don't know the diffruns."

Then she said: "Fine nice young white gen'l'man kneelin' down to a nigger wench! I's wanted to see dat jes once befo' I's called. Now, Gabr'el, blow de hawn, I's ready . . . Git up!" Tom did it. He said, humbly: "Now, Roxy, don't punish me any more. I deserved what I've got, but be good and let me off with that. Don't go to uncle. Tell me I'll give you the five dollars."

When Mahs' Robert marry dat ole jimpsun weed, de angel Gabr'el blow his hohn, shuh."

"And was that why you ran from me?" "Ye, mass'; ob course it war." "Then you are " "Am runaway; ye, mass', jes so runaway. Don't mind tell you. Gabr'el truss you He know you am poor nigga's friend. Look-ee-dar." As he uttered this last phrase, he pulled off the scanty copper-coloured rag of a shirt that covered his shoulders, and bared his back before my eyes! A horrid sight it was.

He says the thing's a gone tater; no more craps of corn offen the bottom land, no more electin' presidents of this free and glorious Columby, no more Fourths, no more shootin' crackers nor spangled banners, no more nothin'. He ciphers and ciphers, and then spits on his slate and wipes us all out. Whenever Gabr'el blows I'll b'lieve it, but I won't take none o' Hankins's tootin' in place of it.

I'm the Angel Gabr'el! 'Well, says I, 'if ye're the Angel Gabr'el, cold lead won't hurt ye, so mind yer eyes! At that I drew a bead on 'im, and if ye'll b'lieve it, I knocked a tin horn out of his hands and picked it up the next mornin', and he went off into the woods like a streak o' lightnin'. But my ha'r hain't never come down."

"'T was the cow jumped over the moon," said Frances, "and it isn't in the Bible; it's in Mother Goose." "And Elijah went to Heaven in a chariot of fire," corrected Lina. "And I know all 'bout Gabr'el," continued Jimmy unabashed. "When folks called him to blow his trumpet he was under the haystack fast asleep." Ikey was quite near by this time to command the attention of the four children.