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Our lad bowed deeply and turned towards the professor, who, with a sweeping obeisance to all the literary shelves, left the room. "Your everlastin' fortin's made, young Ishmael! You will learn the classmatics, and all the fine arts; and it depends on yourself alone, whether you do not rise to be a sexton or a clerk!" said the professor, as they went out into the lawn.

The very small salary enjoyed by Sieur Marneffe had compelled the couple to economize in the matter of rent; for in his hands Mademoiselle Valerie Fortin's fortune had already melted away partly in paying his debts, and partly in the purchase of necessaries for furnishing a house, but chiefly in gratifying the requirements of a pretty young wife, accustomed in her mother's house to luxuries she did not choose to dispense with.

The very small salary enjoyed by Sieur Marneffe had compelled the couple to economize in the matter of rent; for in his hands Mademoiselle Valerie Fortin's fortune had already melted away partly in paying his debts, and partly in the purchase of necessaries for furnishing a house, but chiefly in gratifying the requirements of a pretty young wife, accustomed in her mother's house to luxuries she did not choose to dispense with.

My letter of August the 30th acknowledged the receipt of yours of July the 13th. Since that, I have received your letter of August the 13th, enclosing a correspondence between the Marquis de la Fayette and Monsieur de Calonne, and another of the same date, enclosing the papers in Fortin's case.

I've had to sit by while my own fortin's been spent, and what should ha' been my children's, too. You'll have niver a penny, my boy but it isn't your poor mother's fault." She put out one arm toward Tom, looking up at him piteously with her helpless, childish blue eyes. The poor lad went to her and kissed her, and she clung to him. For the first time Tom thought of his father with some reproach.

The most ardent curiosity could be read in Mme. Fortin's little eyes. "I understood at once," she began, "that something extraordinary was going on." But the commissary interrupted her, "I have not done yet. It may be that to-night or to-morrow some one will call and inquire how Mlle. Lucienne is." "And then?"

But now tell me, Angelica, if my fortin's made, will you marry me, an' help to spend it? "`Yes, I will, says she. "I was so took by surprise, Geo'ge, when she say dat, I sprung up on one elber, an' felled down agin wid a howl, for two o' my ribs had been broke. "`Neber mind de yells, Angelica, says I, `it's only my leetle ways. But tell me why you allers refuse me before an' accep' me now.

"I wouldn't trust my own father till the 5th, he who was a superior officer in Napoleon's armies, and the very soul of honor." It was chance alone which had brought Maxence, after the Commune, to the Hotel des Folies; and he had not been there a week, before he had fully made up his mind not to wear out Mme. Fortin's furniture very long.

There's only a few feet of sand between us and gold enough to make all our fortin's a dozen times over, so let's rouse it up and have a look at it, without any more words." The two men worked with a will, and soon stood in a good-sized hole, about three feet deep, whilst the rest of us looked on at their labours with the keenest interest.

I wish you'd read the history of our revolution, and then you'd ha' seen that liberty and equality are not to be had without some ups and downs in fortin's and chances."