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To forfend the possibility of such dubious appreciation, the account of the watchcoat episode is copied word for word from Bode’s introduction to theEmpfindsame Reise.” In this same year, an unknown translator issued in a single volume a rendering of these three collections. The following year Mme.

As to the monks, Heaven forfend that you should ever become one. They are good men, I doubt not, and I suppose that it is necessary that some should take to it; but that a man who has the full possession of his limbs should mew himself up, for life, between four walls, passing his time in vigils and saying masses, in reading books and distributing alms, seems to me to be a sort of madness."

King Richard needs all his friends; and there is so little chance of sack or spoil, even should we have which God forfend civil war, that I fear I could ill reward the services which you offer me." The leader and his men shouted an adieu to Cuthbert, and departed for the mountains, leaving the latter well pleased with his escape from a fight of which the result was doubtful.

The day more men live in the cities demanding food than live on the soil producing it which God forfend that day Canada goes down in the welter of industrial war and social upheaval. Hitherto no statesman has arisen in Canada who remotely sensed the impending evil, much less made an effort to avert the doom that has come like a cloud above the well-being of every modern country.

"I asked of Bounty, 'Art thou free? Quoth she, * 'No, I am slave to Yahya Khalid-son! 'Boughten? asked I. 'Allah forfend, quoth she, * 'By heirship, sire to sire's transmission!" And the following is related of

Wayland could never quite analyze his own feelings. Her presence had piqued his interest from the first. When we can measure a character, we can forfend against surprises discount virtues, exaggerate faults, strike a balance to our own ego; but when what you know is only a faint margin of what you don't know, a siren of the unknown beckons and lures and retreats.

I do not like that soldier he appears mean and cunning and I have heard is a bad fellow, though favoured by the Comandante. God forfend he should have gotten this paper! I shall lose no more time. I shall call Vicenza, and question her." She stepped forward to the parapet that overlooked the patio. "Vicenza! Vicenza!" "Aqui, Senorita," answered a voice from the interior of the house. "Ven aca!

"That you are no Barsoomian from the outer world is evident from your colour. And you are not of us." His last statement was almost a question. "What if I were from the Temple of Issus?" I hazarded on a wild guess. "Fate forfend!" he exclaimed, his face going white under the blood that now nearly covered it.

Now Heaven forfend that my good trusty Little John should have fallen into the hands of the King's rangers. I must see to this matter, and that quickly." Thus spoke Robin Hood to himself, all his anger passing away like a breath from the windowpane, at the thought that perhaps his trusty right-hand man was in some danger of his life.

However fain I would make for peace, the king will not consent, for he seeth ever more and more the sufferings of his men." Then the good Knight Rudeger sent to Dietrich, if perchance they might turn the fate of the high-born kings. The king of Berne sent answer: "Who might now forfend? King Etzel will let none part the strife."