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Lorna was returning rather late from the motion-picture, thought Lane, and he raised his head from the pillow, to lean toward the open window, listening. "Come across, kiddo," said a boy's voice, husky and low. Lane heard a kiss then another. "Cheese it, you boob!" "Gee, your gettin' snippy. Say, will you ride out to Flesher's to-morrow night?" "Nothing doing, I've got a date. Good night."

Sawest thou ever one stand before a flesher's stall but sought of him fat flesh?

"I am sure they must," I asserted stoutly, "for I passed a flesher's on my way home, and saw a sign with 'Prime Black-Faced Mutton' printed on it. I also saw 'Fed Veal, but I forgot to ask the cook for it." "We ought really to have kept house in Edinburgh," observed Francesca, looking up from the Scotsman. "One can get a 'self-contained residential flat' for twenty pounds a month.

"Ye shall come ben my hoose if ye are unhappy, and we'll hear your story; come away." He had never been admitted into her house before. They found it clean as a snowdrift. They found a bright fire, and Flucker frying innumerable steaks. The baddish boy had obtained them in his sister's name and at her expense, at the flesher's, and claimed credit for his affection.

I trow not. And had your heart been as good towards your own flesh and blood, as 'twas towards your flesher's meat, nought had prevailed to keep you from her that sat lonely, a watching the road for you and comfort, wi' your child's child a beating 'neath her bosom." Here this rude young woman was interrupted by an incident not uncommon in a domestic's bright existence.

"When I had the headache," said Hendry, "I was better in my bed." Leeby had taken Jess's hand a worn old hand that had many a time gone out in love and kindness when younger hands were cold. Poets have sung and fighting men have done great deeds for hands that never had such a record. "If ye could eat something," said Hendry, "I would gae to the flesher's for 't.

"Oaks went away with the rangers. There's been another raid at Flesher's ranch. The King Fisher gang, likely. An' so the town's shore wide open." Duane stalked outdoors and faced down the street. He walked the whole length of the long block, meeting many people farmers, ranchers, clerks, merchants, Mexicans, cowboys, and women.

Then Sally pu'd the gowans wat wi' dew an' twined her bree wi' tasselled broom, while I had a wee crackie wi' Tibby Buchan, the flesher's dochter frae Auld Reekie. Tibby's nae giglet gawky like the lave, ye ken, she's a sonsie maid, as sweet as ony hinny pear, wi' her twa pawky een an' her cockernony snooded up fu' sleek.

I ain't seen the postman sence we've ben here. Seems to me they ain't up to Keene here in London. We hed a postman twice a day at Cousin Jane's house." "No, 'twas the flesher's lad brought it," said Phoebe. Rebecca grunted crossly. "I wish the land sake ye'd say 'butcher' when ye mean butcher, Phoebe," she said. "Well, the butcher's boy, then, Miss Particular!" said Phoebe, saucily.

There were only four carts this morning because the two that had gone to Fechars yesterday with the cheese would not be back till the afternoon; and another had already turned west to Auchterwheeze, to bring slates for the flesher's new house.